Fake places are sold for up to 150,000 pesos

by time news

2023-10-23 23:00:11

To prepare this year’s test, six versions of the exam were made and 195 medical specialists from 40 health and educational institutions participated.
According to testimonies from applicants, false places for ENARM 2023 are usually offered in instant messaging groups and social networks.
The CIFRHS reported that this year 47,246 doctors were registered.

The process of National Examination of Aspirants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) 2023 is still underway but, as on previous occasions, the sale of false places has been recorded. This is a serious crime that entails legal consequences and the worst thing is that there are several young people who have fallen for this scam.

The only way to be a medical specialist in Mexico

This test is of great importance because it is the only way to pursue a medical specialty in Mexico. For this reason, in each edition there are strong security measures from the preparation of the reagents to the publication of the selected pages.

Now, it is also necessary to clarify that general practitioners have other paths to professional improvement. The most common are study a master’s or doctorate, in addition to continuing their studies abroad.

For its part, the Application of ENARM 2023 occurred from September 26 to 28. When submitting the sheet, each candidate received their final score. From the result everyone can have a general idea about her performance. Although the official information with the selected doctors will not be until November.

Regarding this topic, the Ministry of Health (SSa) reported that the specialty assignment platform is an inviolable method. It also ensures that the data cannot be altered by external or internal sources, since it operates with information protection protocols to guarantee transparency, validity and security.

In recent days, some doctors who presented the ENARM 2023 or even those who did not attend, have been victims of scammers offering false places. According to testimonies, they provide them with apocryphal documents, such as exam score sheets, which supposedly give them the right to access the platform to continue the process.

How much do fake places sell for for ENARM 2023?

These frauds have been linked to instant messaging groups and social networks that offer services for a cost of between 100 thousand and 150 thousand pesos. They include the purchase of the results sheet that supposedly accredits the doctor with a high score, or the modification of the score after taking the exam, which, in theory, would guarantee obtaining the desired specialty.

Due to the above, the SSa has received requests from doctors, accompanied by supposed evidence of having taken the exam, since when they try to access the platform to check their situation, one of the legends appears: “File canceled – Did not support examination.”

Once the requests are received by email from the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources in Health (CIFRHS), a rigorous verification process begins on the registration data of the supporting person to analyze the reason why the legend appears on the platform. It is where it is detected that the evidence presented is apocryphal.

ENARM 2023: These would be the minimum scores requested for each specialty

These types of practices constitute attempted fraud, since the CIFRHS has a rigorous process of verifying the authenticity of all documents and processes related to the ENARM. Through the validation of physical and electronic elements, various security components contained in the score sheet, as well as in the specialty selection certificate, are examined, automatically detecting those that are apocryphal.

The General Directorate of Quality and Health Education (DGCES) of the SSa emphasizes that the information that circulates on social networks or through personalized messages about the ENARM and the process to directly enter the medical residence without having completed or passing the exam is part of a fraud, resulting in the corresponding sanctions for whoever presents said apocryphal documents.

Places are not for sale nor are there any extraordinary processes to access. Validation mechanisms and security locks are inviolable. This contributes to making it a fair and equitable system for all supporting doctors, and that false forms and documents are immediately detected.

Also read:

ENARM 2023: This is the total number of doctors who registered

ENARM 2023: How many versions of the exam were made?

ENARM 2023: These would be the minimum scores requested for each specialty

#Fake #places #sold #pesos

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