“Falak agility, Hamed” .. This is how a young Saudi doctor changed the life of a Saudi doctor

by time news

In a humanitarian gesture that became the talk of social media, consultant obesity surgery, Dr. Nayef bin Abdullah Al-Anzi, responded to the call of the young Hamed Faraj.

The doctor published a tweet in which he confirmed that a successful sleeve gastrectomy operation was performed for the young Hamid, after he had suffered from excessive obesity for many years, which deprived him of the simplest activities of life.

Al-Anzi attached the tweet with a video clip that showed the young man laughing after the operation, in good health, commenting: “Praise be to God for your safety and grace, Hamid.”

Appeal via social media

This came after the young man pleaded through social media for help, explaining his struggle with obesity and how it prevented him from practicing his normal life.

This suffering continued for many years spent by the Saudi young man who works as a security guard, waiting for the relief to find a solution to the problem of his obesity, which was increasing day by day to no avail, especially since he followed systems to control weight and slimming.

No sleep, no walking

In an interview with Al Arabiya.net, 19-year-old Hamed explained that he suffered from severe obesity for about 5-6 years, and his weight reached nearly 200 kilos.

He confirmed that he tried to lose weight several times, but failed, until things came to a lack of control over sleep, and the inability to walk properly, due to obesity that affected his right foot.

He also revealed that many doctors contacted him in charge of his treatment, including obesity surgery consultant Dr. Nayef Al-Enezi, whose team contacted Hamed’s sister and booked a ticket for his arrival in Riyadh in preparation for following up on his problem, assessing his health status and developing the necessary treatment.

He added that despite his fear of this experience, he had to go through it at any cost, especially since his situation had become critical.

Happiness, gratitude and appreciation

In addition, the young man thanked the doctor and the pioneers of social networking sites who contributed to conveying his voice and ending his suffering, saying: “All words of thanks are powerless in front of this support.”

It is noteworthy that the tragedy of the young man received a great reaction after it spread on social media, especially after the doctor’s response, which was widely praised among the people.

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