Families of Abductees Call for Netanyahu’s Replacement: A Statement Heard Loud and Clear

by time news

Relatives of the families of 20 abductees stood at the entrance of the Kriya base – and made a statement that had not been heard until now: a call for Netanyahu to be replaced • “We have seen how personal political interest motivates him again and again in making decisions,” said the abductee’s daughter-in-law Yoram Metzger • The abductee’s mother Matan Tsengauker: “From now on We will act for your immediate replacement”

N12 | Published 03/30/24 18:17

Against the background of reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is delaying the execution of the deal, members of the families of abductees gave a statement this evening (Saturday) outside the gate for Bakria – they attacked Netanyahu and called for his resignation. “We realized that you are the obstacle to the deal,” said the abductee’s mother, Matan Tsengaoker. “We will work to replace you immediately.”

“Benyamin Netanyahu left us no choice. He is brokering a deal for the return of the abductees,” said Ayla, the daughter-in-law of abductee Yoram Metzger. “We have all seen how he postpones cabinet discussions, delays discussions, rejects proposals, hardens positions – and then prevents the delegation from traveling or reduces its mandate. We have seen how personal political interest motivates him again and again in making decisions. How his concern for the coalition outweighs the return of our kidnapped loved ones. The coalition His leadership is running a poison and slander campaign against the abductees. We were told to sit quietly and travel all over the world, but after six months the abductees are still in Gaza. It’s a complete failure, it’s a deliberate failure.”

Einav Tsengauker, the mother of the abducted Matan Tsengauker, added: “Prime Minister Netanyahu, after you abandoned the members of our families and after 176 days in which you didn’t bring a deal and because you are involved in tripodifying the deal – we understood that you are the obstacle to the deal. You stand between us and bringing our beloved home. You are consciously and intentionally preventing a transaction and therefore we are forced to do everything in our power to remove the obstacle – which is you. We have no choice. We understood that if we don’t work to remove you from the steering wheel of power, we won’t get to see our loved ones soon and return our dead to burial.”

“Today we are forced to start a new phase in our struggle,” Tsengauker declared. “From now on, we will act for your immediate replacement. We have come to the conclusion that this is the fastest way to bring about a deal for the release of our family members. We will act and call for your removal and replacement. We will pursue you until you vacate your seat.”

The statement was also attended by Ilana Gritsevski, who was released from Hamas captivity and Matan Tsengaoker’s partner; Hadas Calderon, the mother of the kidnapped children Sahar and Erez Calderon; Yifat Kalderon, cousin of the kidnapped Ofer Kalderon; Ila, Rani and Tami Metzger, daughter-in-law, son and wife of the kidnapped Yoram Metzger; Or Gat, brother of the kidnapped Carmel Gat; Jordana Katz, the mother of the kidnapped Ravid Katz; Boaz Atzili, his nephew Aviv Atzili was murdered and his body was kidnapped to Gaza; Efrat of Chikva, the niece of the kidnapped Gadi Moses; Shmuel Brodetz, mother-in-law of Hagar Brodetz and grandfather of the children Ofri, Yuval and Uriah Brodetz; Yael Or, the aunt of the abductee Dror Or; Mor Korngold – the brother of the abducted Tal Shoham; Sharolik Kalvo, the adopted son of the abductee Amiram Koper, and of the abductee Nurit Koper;
Iris Weinstein Hagai and the Hagai family, the daughter of Judy Weinstein Hagai and Gadi Hagai from Kibbutz Nir Oz and Amri Lifshitz, the son of the kidnapped Oded Lifshitz.

Last night we published in “Friday Studio” that a real change in the position of Likud ministers regarding the abductees deal was registered on Tuesday at the extended cabinet meeting, and all the ministers except Defense Minister Galant and Netanyahu expressed support for flexibility with Hamas. A senior official familiar with the negotiations told News 12: “If the parents of the abductees knew what the difference was about, they would explode.”

At 20:00, demonstrations will begin throughout the country calling for the release of the abductees, and a central rally will be held in the square of the abductees. The headquarters of the families for the return of the kidnapped and missing said: “We are in the days of decision! We are all united – religious, secular, right and left. We must return them home immediately.”

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