Famine: Donate now to fight hunger!

by time news

Urgent help in East Africa: droughts lead to famine, and there is no grain from Ukraine either. Prices are rising so high for African markets that flour is becoming unaffordably expensive. A lot of people suffer from hunger. But you can help with donations!

Can you help with a donation?

How your donation will be used:

  • Food for families suffering from hunger
  • Cash assistance for households affected by hunger
  • School meals for children affected by poverty
  • Meals from our communal kitchen

In addition, your donation also helps in the long term, because your donation also enables:

  • agricultural training courses on climate-friendly cultivation methods
  • Preparation of plans for long-term security of livelihood

Together against hunger!

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The number of starving people is increasing – now help is needed quickly!

The number of people affected by hunger is increasing. Disaster relief and development cooperation start where it is particularly urgent: donations are used for emergency aid and long-term goals are implemented through knowledge transfer and long-term planning.

causes of hunger

Conflicts are the main cause of hunger. More than half of those suffering from hunger live in countries marked by conflict and violence. Climate change is also increasingly responsible for malnutrition: natural disasters such as droughts and floods destroy harvested areas and lead to food shortages. The Covid-19 pandemic is also causing an increase in those affected by hunger. Added to all this are the fluctuating world market prices. During the crisis, grain and other foods quickly become unaffordably expensive for people affected by poverty. In countries that have been plagued by drought for years, this is leading to catastrophic famine. Our projects in Somalia, Zimbabwe, Lebanon and Afghanistan are aimed at families who are particularly poor and suffering from hunger.

Why cash assistance and food must be donated

Donations can help: Cash strengthens the local economy in poverty-stricken areas. That has a stabilizing effect. Where the shelves remain empty, donating food makes sense. The required food is bought regionally as far as possible and distributed to particularly affected families. The local partner organizations of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe see what is needed and respond to it. In this way, your donation can be used particularly efficiently! Donate Now

Why is time pressing?

Hunger leads to downward spirals. The more hunger that arises, the more armed conflicts arise. Conflicts, in turn, lead to refugee movements. Refugees find it even more difficult to combat their poverty and find it even more difficult to support themselves and their families. Your donation breaks this spiral! Every contribution helps to alleviate famine and fight hunger.

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