Famous tricks clairvoyants use to trick you into their ability to read minds

by time news

If you are a fan of dazzling magic shows, especially those based on mind reading, you must have wondered, at least once, how these tricks work? Or you are sure that the performer is using some trick to facilitate the presentation that appears to be reading the thoughts of others, or anticipating their choices, to give the spectator the impression that he possesses supernatural powers.

And perhaps contrary to what some might think; The curricula for reading thoughts are not “witchcraft” or “myths.” The reading of ideas, or according to the more accurate label “mental induction,” are curricula that have scientific foundations that follow, either a basic or sub-theme such as psychology, physiognomy or even the laws of mathematics.

Danish elephant trick!

One of the most famous mind-reading tricks, and it is widely used in simple presentations, due to its popularity, which means that the secret of the trick is widely spread, especially in Western countries, and these are its details, and how it works:

– The performer asks the person in front of him to choose – in secret without announcing the results until the end of the trick – any number from 2 to 10, then multiply it by 9, then add the resulting two numbers (for example 3 x 9 = 27, then 2 + 7 = 9).

Ask the performer to subtract 5 from the output number (output number 4).

Then ask the performer to assign the numbers to the letters in order (eg letter A equals 1, letter B equals 2, letter C equals 3, etc..)

The performer tells the receiver to select the letter equal to the result of the calculation (the letter parallel to the number 4 will be the letter D)

– The performer asks the recipient to choose a European country that begins with this letter (the answer will be Denmark)

Now the performer will ask the receiver to choose an animal that starts with the letter next to the country letter (the answer will be the letter E next to D and the animal will be the Elephant)

– Now the performer tells the person that he is thinking of a gray elephant from Denmark)!

Explanation of the trick:

It is simply based on a combination of mathematical law and the limited choices available. What is amazing here is the following explanation, which number a person will choose from 2 to 10, multiply it by 9 and add the two resulting numbers, the result will be 9! (Try it for yourself), then subtract 5 means that the output will always be 4 whatever the choice, the fourth letter in the English alphabet is D (no other options) and the next is E (it is rare to find an animal that begins with the letter E other than Elephant and will always be the recipient’s first choice ), and therefore limited options, the answer will always be a Danish elephant.

The magic product of addition, division and subtraction

This trick is also based on the amazing world of mathematics, and you can easily find out what number the person is thinking in front of you, and this is the trick:

– Ask the person to choose – in secret – any number (he will choose 20 for example) and then ask him to add the next higher number to it (it will be 21, the result is 41)

– Ask to add the number 9 to the result (it will be 50)

Divide the result by 2 (the result is 25)

– Ask to subtract the original number (which is 20 will be 5) and it will always be 5 no matter what numbers he chooses! You can try any number you like, and repeat the previous steps, this cute trick may not be known by many.

Red Hammer: Psychological suggestion

By asking the recipient a series of questions, you can subconsciously make them think about the answer that you already know. Just try this trick in the following sequence:

Choose an even number less than 16.

Multiply it by 2.

Divide it by an even number less than 10.

Choose one of the kits and tools.

Multiply your resulting number by 4.

– Choose a color.

Divide the result by 2 .

Have you ever thought of a red hammer?!

Explanation of the trick:

This trick works at 75%, and the secret behind it is that the arithmetic operations occupy the mind of the recipient with an arithmetic process that requires quick thinking, and then choices for tools The hammer is often the easiest and most intuitive answer for the busy mind, as well as the red color is the first and most prominent color that comes to the mind, the trick All of them are based on exploiting the preoccupation of the conscious mind, and relying on facts established in the subconscious mind.

The word in the magic book

This trick is elaborate, suitable for viewing among many audiences, and you can dazzle everyone with it, just prepare accordingly:

Before the service, arrange the following on your own: choose a book, the words of which are distinguished by a large font that is easy to read, and open it on page No. 108, then select the ninth word and memorize it well by heart.

Now ask two people to do this trick, one of whom gives the book the source of the trick, and the other a calculator.

Ask the person holding the calculator to choose to do the following: A number from three different numbers, provided that no two numbers are repeated, for example: 123.

– Ask him to reverse the number to become 321, then ask them to subtract the smaller number from the greater, for example: (321-123 = 198).

Dial the reverse number (so it becomes 891)

– Ask to combine this with the number before it (198 + 891 = 1089, the result will always be 1089 no matter which number he chose).

Now ask for the first three digits of the number on the calculator screen (the three digits will always be 108).

Ask the person holding the book to open page 108.

Now ask for the last number in the number he chose, it will always be 9.

Ask him to choose the ninth word.

Now take out the paper and show some concentration or pretend to read minds and tell him the word you memorized, which is the ninth page 108!

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