Fanirisoa in quest of virginity?

by time news

2023-07-10 07:25:19

The television channel Real TV announced the disappearance on its Facebook page of the archive of the show which had guest Fanirisoa Ernaivo. In the name of the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Malagasy Constitution, we can only encourage all those who, as she often does, dare to speak out against the excesses of power with a solid argument. And we can only congratulate Real TV for the courage to have invited this personality into the sights of the current regime. It is recalled with amusement that this one was however born in the line of the closing of Viva-TV, judged “guilty” of having welcomed a personality in the viewfinder of the then regime in December 2008.

When they do not use the legal route of repression to protect themselves, the supporters of the regime use the comic route. Some, however, would do better to keep quiet, because their actions to defend their camp are self-discrediting by the meanness of the methods used. But at least, we now know on which side is practiced the recording and sharing of private recordings, methods that we have seen flourish for several months. Thus, three days ago, Rinah Rakotomanga posted a telephone recording on her Facebook account in an attempt to discredit Fanirisoa Ernaivo on the basis of her private life. Low-level attack, which shows that this former director of communication for the Presidency of the Republic did not have the chance to reach the level of education sufficient to read Socrate:

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” [1]

That being said, even if this editorial positions itself in support of this Real TV program with Fanirisoa Ernaivo, in the name of the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution, it in no way supports its guest and its remarks. Let’s remember the anecdote related in this editorial by Patrick A. which took place in a parking lot in Ampefiloha in June 2013. A simple altercation over a parking incident ended in a three-month prison sentence. Still all-powerful at the time thanks to her status as a deputy prosecutor at the Anosy court, Fanirisoa Ernaivo claimed to be the victim of assault and battery, and was able to produce a medical certificate to back up her statements. In any case, his removal from the body of the Judiciary already speaks loud enough. The search for politicized arguments to criticize this decision sanctioning unworthy behavior is only a smokescreen. Until proven otherwise, it is therefore in no position to give lessons in matters of the rule of law or justice. The status of eminent spokesperson for the opposition does not mean absolution or a return of political virginity.

The diaspora, a rear base for opposition leaders

It is true that the Malagasy political context is currently marked by bipolarization: on the one hand the supporters of “Andry Rajoelina at any price”, and on the other the supporters of “anyone except Andry Rajoelina”. . In such a context, all those who dare to criticize the current Head of State (like Mrs. Ernaivo) have the wind in their sails with an increasingly large section of the population, exasperated by the failings of the regime and the propaganda to hide them. Reason why Real TV can boast of a record audience rate of 14,000 views on Facebook for this famous show, while putting this figure into perspective compared to 3 million Facebookers in Madagascar, not to mention the 10 million voters.

At a time when we see an autocratic drift of the current authorities in Madagascar in the face of generalized discontent, opposition figures are emerging within the Malagasy diaspora. Abroad, they benefit from the freedom of tone and expression that Malagasy no longer have in their own country, far from the clutches of the political services for the fight against cybercrime in Madagascar, incompetent for acts outside its territory of jurisdiction. In particular, the reality of the Rule of Law in Western countries protects against arbitrariness. Recent examples: the two attempted arrests (August 2021 and May 2023) with a view to the extradition of Fanirisoa Ernaivo, maneuvers apparently guided by a retired French civil servant who hoped to capitalize on his old networks at the prefecture. Result: Fanirisoa 2 – Little Brigadier 0.

The freedom afforded by geographical distance is therefore the explanation for the relative popularity of most creators of political content on social networks. Among others, Fanirisoa Ernaivo (69K followers), Koto Lilahimahitsoambo (166K followers), Vanessa Manonga, or formerly Fleury Rakotomalala (31K followers). We should also mention political humor content creators such as Salantapy Video (68K followers), Sary Kasma (290K followers), MDJ (20K followers), Nomady Madagasikara (4K followers). Their protection is reinforced when these creators benefit from the citizenship of the country where they reside. Unfortunately for some, France is not a banana republic where things are settled by a simple phone call from an authority who abuses it. Therefore, it is not only Andry Rajoelina who is protected by his French nationality.

#Fanirisoa #quest #virginity

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