FAP Squadron 601 “Lobos” Ensures Constant Surveillance for WYD with Real-time Video Transmission

by time news

Major Hélder Ferreira, the commander of the FAP Squadron 601 “Lobos,” recently revealed that they will ensure a continuous presence of aircraft during the World Youth Day (WYD) and the visit of Pope Francis to Portugal. In an interview, Major Ferreira stated, “We will always have one aircraft flying and another in readiness.”

The aircraft used by the squadron is typically used for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. It requires a crew of 13 members and can fly autonomously for approximately 13 hours. This capability will play a crucial role in monitoring the ceremony areas and the Pope’s reception.

The primary mission of the aircraft is to pay close attention to potential threats in the vicinity of the celebrations and within the areas where the event will take place. Major Ferreira emphasized that this particular aircraft model is equipped with advanced sensors and technology. These features enable the real-time transmission of video to the security forces and services on the ground.

In addition to the FAP Squadron 601 “Lobos,” the FAP’s 552 “Zangões” Squadron will also be actively involved in ensuring the security plan for WYD and the visit of Pope Francis. The 552 “Zangões” Squadron operates a fleet of five AW119 Koala helicopters and is also based at Air Base No. 11 in Beja.

The commitment of both squadrons reflects the importance Portugal places on the safety and security of the upcoming event. The presence of the aircraft and helicopters will enhance the surveillance and response capabilities, providing authorities with an enhanced situational awareness and swift action if required.

The dedication of the Portuguese Air Force to ensuring the smooth and secure execution of World Youth Day and Pope Francis’ visit is commendable. Their continuous aerial presence will offer reassurance to attendees and allow for a timely response to any potential threats, ensuring the safety and success of the event.

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