Far-rights have a bad holiday with Toffoli and Mauro Cid’s denunciation

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

Given the metaphysics of the stooges, let’s get to the characters. Dias Toffoli, minister of the STF, did the obvious: he annulled the so-called “evidence” that supported Odebrecht’s leniency agreement due to the multiple and stupefying illegalities committed by the accusing body, in collusion with the judge.
On the disruptive front, the bad news concerns Mauro Cid’s plea agreement, agreed with the Federal Police, which now depends on court approval. Alexandre de Moraes is the rapporteur of the investigations in which Bolsonaro’s former aide-de-camp is being investigated. The information was provided exclusively by journalist Andréia Sadi, from G1 and GloboNews.
“What a bad day […], how sad!”, laments the vanguard of delay, faced with their dead illusions. On another stage, but in the same drama, Lula led a Sete de Setembro in peace. And the Catões gnawing at the elbows of their reactionaryism: “Ah, How I hate this guy! It must be destroyed!” The disinherited people of Lava Jato and the “Captain” lost. But let us be vigilant. It is the price of freedom.
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