Farewell medieval clothes, in civilian clothes for the coronation of Charles III- time.news

by time news
from Enrica Roddolo

An hour instead of Elizabeth’s 3 and Queen Victoria’s 5. Modern ceremonial but faithful to tradition in substance for the coronation of the king (and the new queen)

An hour instead of three, two thousand guests (as many as Westminster managed to welcome for the funeral of Elizabeth II) instead of 8 thousand. And above all, farewell to the peers of the kingdom dressed in their coronation robes, in short, velvet trains, ermine cloaks and medieval lengths of women’s clothes (men’s cloaks). They will be able to go to the abbey in lounge suits.

The coronation of Charles III perhaps on June 3, 2023, will be as streamlined as the new monarchy. While respecting the tradition that at the time of Charlemagne’s coronation is referenced. Indeed, as early as Elizabeth’s time – that she asked for the dress in which she appeared on the balcony of Buckingham Palace after her coronation to the trusted tailor Norman Hartnell – the option was offered to the peers of the kingdom to wear less “dated clothes. “. Thus Hartnell comparing himself with Earl Marshall who supervised yesterday as today so that the rules of the strict dress code for the event are respected, for the Lady instead of a coronet (a small crown) or a hat, he had already allowed the alternative of a short veil. And he had allowed the ceremonial dresses to replace an evening or afternoon dress, such as those in caramel-colored lam or soft colors made by his tailor for the occasion.

Speaking of the Peers, who also raised their respective crowns (coronets) on their heads during the coronation of 1953, it will be interesting to see if they will do so as per ancient tradition also for Charles III in 2023. Or if their gesture will be more symbolic . And speaking of dresses, certainly Carlo will want to avoid wearing the six different dresses steeped in centuries-old history, like his mother, during the ceremony. But if the form is more contemporary, the substance will be very faithful to tradition, starting from the oath of the crown, from the solemn act of coronation (hers and Camilla’s new queen alongside her), to anointing with oil. consecrated. And also the openness to multiple faiths that is dear to Charles will have to live with the promise made by Charles in his first public speech after the death of his mother that he will continue his role as leader of the Anglican Church. No velvet chair like for mother Elizabeth and Prince Philip, perhaps. And in return, more diversity to reflect a world that has changed a lot since 1953.

The road to modernity had already been timidly started with the coronation of Queen Victoria. The very young sovereign had in fact wanted to introduce some novelties in the ancient ritual, when on 28 June 1838 she had entered the church of Westminster for the solemn ceremony. The Queen who resisted for five hours under the weight of a seven-pound crown wanted to abolish the kissing ceremony, with which all the peers of the kingdom greeted the king on the day of the coronation: These kisses of 600 men – reported the chronicles of the time – they frightened her.

October 10, 2022 (change October 10, 2022 | 10:10)

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