“Farmer is looking for a wife”: Antje proposes to Arne – pure romance! | Entertainment

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Pure romance with “Bauer sucht Frau”!

Wedding bells will soon be ringing for this dream couple. In the second part of the Easter special “What’s going on on the farms?” farmer Arne (31) was surprised by his Antje (31) with a marriage proposal in front of the camera. While he suspected nothing, an “old” acquaintance was in on it.

The couple’s love struck like lightning last season. Inka Bause’s dome show had rarely sparked so quickly. Arne on the moment that changed his life: “When I saw Antje for the first time, I had butterflies in my stomach.” She too is head over heels in love with her farmer and now also shares his passion for cheese.

The dream team has been living together for half a year, working diligently on the four walls they share in Arne’s house. Especially for her, things can’t go fast enough. Antje reveals: “When the apartment is ready, we want to start planning the children.” In the Easter special, she dared to take the next step on Monday evening and got on her knees in front of her loved one.

They have found each other: Arne and Antje want to breed cows together forever

Photo: RTL

For the marriage proposal, Antje used a familiar face from the last season of “Bauer sucht Frau”. Farmer Michael (28) was Inka’s first candidate looking for a husband or wife. At the barn festival, he chose Jan-Hendrik, but it didn’t work out in the end. Nevertheless, Michael could now proudly report that he is taken. The farmer has been with Manuel (40) since New Year’s Day. Both met on the internet.

During a visit to Michael’s farm, Arne and Antje were impressed by his Jersey cattle. One of them should now deliver the questions of all questions. On Antje’s behalf, the breeder decorated the animal with red ribbons and a sign that said in curved letters: “Marry Me” (marry me).

So Michael and his partner drove the cattle to the couple’s farm. Antje very excited: “Others plan something like that for months. I decided in less than 24 hours that I want to marry Arne.” In the stable, she proposed to her dream man, who will probably never forget. Arne had just spotted the message from the Jersey cow when Antje knelt in front of him.

Her words hit him straight to the heart. She: “You are the earth that grounds me, the sun that makes me shine and the rain that makes me grow. Do you want to marry me?” The young woman didn’t have to wait long for his answer. Arne happy: “Yes, of course, Antje!” Amor definitely hit the mark here.

“Farmer is looking for a wife”: happiness in love with these couples

Anna (26) and Max (27) have been happily together since Hofwoche. Already at the barn festival there were sparks between the farmer and the prospective educator. During the season they made their love official. Both see each other several times a week and want to move in together at some point. She is his first girlfriend.

Anna-Lina and Ulf learned to love each other on the show

Anna-Lina and Ulf learned to love each other on the show

Photo: RTL

Anna-Lina (28) and Ulf (31) are also in love like they were on the first day. There was an immediate spark between the stable owner and the medical assistant. Already during the court week the two became closer. She even stayed longer then and hasn’t regretted it to this day.

Theo (59) and Andrea (53) only got together after “Bauer sucht Frau”. At the barn festival, he served two ladies who had come especially for him. Nevertheless, Theo was able to announce after the dome show: “There is a new woman in my life.”

Andrea had conquered his heart away from the cameras.

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