“Fast Thrill: Unruly” Trailer Released: First Abandoned Xbox Oen/PS4 Platform | XFastest News

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Just now, EA officially released the first promotional trailer for the new series of “Extreme Pleasure”: “Extreme Pleasure: Untamed”, showing the game’s graphics, art style and unique gameplay for the first time.

Looking at the entire trailer, the most striking thing is the art style that differs greatly between the game and other racing games. “Extreme Pleasure: Untamed” rarely uses a combination of realistic racing cars and three renderings of two characters. , and used a lot of visual design that leans towards animation and street hip-hop style.

This kind of art design is not only reflected in the characters, but also in the various special effects of the game. In “Unruly”, when the player uses nitrogen acceleration and other skills, there will be unique graffiti-style special effects around the car body, which makes the player more recognizable. Fill directly.

At the level of gameplay, we can see that the consistent high-degree-of-freedom car modification of the “Extreme Pleasure” series, as well as the night chase racing system, have been inherited in the new work.

It should be noted that, judging from the current news, “Speed ​​​​Pleasure: Untamed” will only land on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S platforms, which means that this will be the first series to abandon Xbox Oen and PS4. Great game for previous generation platforms.

The strategy of turning to the next-generation platform in an all-round way may mean that “Speed ​​​​Pleasure: Untamed” will have a better picture expression than the previous work “Speed ​​​​Pleasure: Heat”.


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