Fasting Expert Tips: How to Improve Liver Health and Combat Fatty Liver Disease

by time news

2023-12-09 10:03:13
**Fasting expert reveals how fasting can aid in fatty liver therapy**

By: Juliane Gutmann
Published: December 9, 2023, 8:15 a.m

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL) is a growing concern, with the modern lifestyle contributing to an increasing number of people being diagnosed with the condition. The Zurich University Hospital warns that if left untreated, NAFL can lead to serious liver complications such as inflammation, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer. According to the German Liver Foundation, every fourth German citizen over the age of 40 is already affected by fatty liver disease, and alarming trends show that one in three overweight children are also diagnosed with it.

In light of these concerning statistics, a shift towards a healthier lifestyle with a focus on diet and exercise is needed to combat fatty liver disease. Furthermore, fasting cures have been identified as a potential therapy for fatty liver disease. Dr. Daniela Koppold, a fasting expert and researcher at the Berlin Charité, highlighted the benefits of therapeutic fasting for overweight individuals suffering from NAFL. In a recent interview, she mentioned that a study showed a significant decrease in the Fatty Liver Index as a result of therapeutic fasting.

However, it is important to note that fasting should always be done under medical supervision, and it may not be suitable for everyone. A fasting regimen should be discussed with a doctor to ensure it is safe and appropriate for the individual.

In addition to fasting, the consumption of bitter substances is recommended to promote liver health. Bitters can stimulate bile production, improve detoxification function, regulate blood sugar levels, and aid digestion. However, individuals with liver disease should consult a doctor before incorporating bitter foods or supplements into their diet.

Intermittent fasting is also considered to be beneficial for liver health, as it can help in training the body to use other metabolic pathways. While intermittent fasting may have a lesser impact compared to therapeutic fasting, it is a sustainable approach that can produce positive effects over an extended period.

But despite the potential benefits of fasting, certain foods should be avoided to aid in the treatment of fatty liver disease. Foods with added fructose, sweetened drinks, and animal products such as sausage are best avoided for the sake of liver health.

It is essential to note that the information provided in this article is for general knowledge and should not be used for self-diagnosis, treatment, or medication. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance regarding medical conditions.]
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