Father has been selling chaat-pakodas for 25 years, daughter becomes IAS

by time news

2023-10-31 07:20:00

“A person should never forget the old days. They inspire us to do better in life,” believes Govind Prasad, father of IAS Dipesh Kumari; Who earned his living by selling tea and pakodas for 25 years, but did not allow any reduction in the education of his children.

The father’s dream was that the daughter should bring glory to the family by studying well. Due to financial constraints, he ran a tea-pakoda stall for 25 years and barely managed to meet his family’s expenses but did not let his children’s education suffer.

This is the story of Govind Prasad and his daughter Deepesh Kumari, resident of Bharatpur, Rajasthan.

Today Deepesh is serving the country as an IAS officer and her journey to reach this position is very inspiring!

If there is true dedication in the mind, then every difficulty that comes in front of the goal seems small. Strong willed people do not make excuses, they find ways and move forward on the basis of hard work. Deepesh was also like this since childhood.

Govind was supporting his family by selling bhajiya pakodas on a cart in Atal Bandh area for the last 25 years. There was a room in the name of the house in which seven members lived.

Gas was kept in a corner of this room. Govind was teaching his two daughters and three sons by making and selling pakodas here. There was financial darkness at home but he always saw a flame of hope in his children. Father has been selling chaat-pakodas for 25 years

His hope came true when his daughter Deepesh Kumari worked hard even in adverse circumstances and became an IAS officer.

Resigned from job to prepare for UPSC

Deepesh Kumari is the eldest among his five siblings. She was always smart in studies. He studied till tenth class from Shishu Adarsh ​​Vidya Mandir in Bharatpur city and passed high school with 98% marks and intermediate with 89% marks.

After this he did Civil Engineering from MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur and then studied M.Tech from IIT Mumbai. Deepesh Kumari

After passing from IIT, Deepesh worked in a private company for a year. But he resigned from the job to prepare for UPSC exam.

She could not pass the UPSC exam in the first attempt. On the strength of hard work, Deepesh Kumari again prepared from Delhi and in the year 2021, in her second attempt, she achieved All India 93rd rank.

father still applies Trolley

He saw neither financial constraints nor any other problems before achieving his goal. She just kept moving forward and her strong will made her become an IAS. What could be a greater matter of pride for a father than this!

This story of struggle and success of IAS Deepesh and his father is going to inspire the youth across the country.

All the children received education by living in a small house and then went to different places for preparation. But Govind Prasad still runs his business by living in a small house.

Also read- 5 UPSC tips to crack the exam, follow the study pattern of IAS Divya Mittal

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