Father of the Seminarians – Mar Joseph Pavmathil

by time news

He once asked his father; Which books have you read repeatedly? The answer is as follows; ‘V. The Bible, Second Vatican Council, Constitution of India’. That was the idealistic nobility of the father in Pavvam.

Abhiwandya Pavvath, who has a unique personality, is deeply affected by the loss of her father. The ‘Father of Seminarians’ (so often said he wished to be called) who gave admission to the seminary and inquired about details with fatherly affection during the training periods. Later, during the Regency period, I was lucky enough to get to know him closely as a brother secretary. Abhi. It is seen as a great blessing of God to have received priestly ordination from his father. This is a brief and very personal memoir about Father Pauwathil, who I saw, heard, closely observed and sometimes questioned myself through personal anecdotes during the two and a half years of my ministry as Father Secretary.

Spiritual master
The routine of life begins with waking up early in the morning with the rosary and ends with the rosary after the night chanting (lelia). Father had an extraordinary devotion to the Holy Mother. There was always a bead around the neck and in the pocket. Even when I visited my father in the hospital weeks before his death, I could hear him repeating the sukrita japa “Ente Amme Ente Ashrayame” during the breaks of conversation. Father, who kisses the altar whenever he goes into the private chapel for prayers, teaches without telling where his spiritual energy comes from. Even in the final stages of physical infirmity, Yamapraarthas have watched in wonder at the Father who recites without interruption!

Amazing knowledge
If the father had any material possessions, it was only books. Fast reading is his father’s unique academic trick. The lion’s share of the day begins with reading about nine newspapers and ends with reading and writing. A sharp pen and a keen intellect were the weapons of the father. His father’s material wealth was a fairly large library in the room. The collection of all the books of Father Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) was priceless in itself. Even the seat of those books was not with the other books, they were kept like treasures on the bedroom shelf. He once asked his father; Which books have you read repeatedly? The answer is as follows; ‘V. The Bible, Second Vatican Council, Constitution of India’. That was the idealistic nobility of the father in Pouvam.

The positions were not watered down for popular support, applause or status. There was little gap between his words and actions. There was no need to correct or rephrase what was said over a period of nine decades because they were all backed by homework.

Personal relationships
There is no one who does not speak of a father who personally answers letters. Shepherd calling by name. A father who asks even the subtlest things. His father, who did not hesitate to make associations between ideas, always resented confrontations between people. Personal relationships were fueled by his father’s knack for bringing even those from opposite slums into a circle of friends through logical but noble exchange of ideas. I have often personally experienced the respect that society gives to fathers from the responses that come back when they say, ‘Father is the father’s secretary at home’.

Krantha Darshi
Time has proven that the growth of the modern Syro-Malabar Church has been possible on the foundation of the long-term vision of Father Pauvam. The Father’s unique ability to foresee things and find a solution has saved the church from the harm of the enemies during this period. The father was Joseph, the never-sleeping protector of the church.
Father, the greatest blessing and blessing of my life has been the time spent with you… Thank you so much
Even if the lamp is extinguished, the lamp will not be extinguished; As long as the Syro-Malabar Church exists.

love bow
Jomon Kakanat

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