Fayna Bethencourt recounts the ordeal she lived with ‘El Yoyas’

by time news

They met in one of the first ‘Big Brothers’, the one in which they began a relationship that ended with Carlos Navarro expelled after an attack on Fayna Bethencourt. It was the first disciplinary expulsion in the history of the ‘reality’. “Thank you for giving me a voice,” began the interview in which the woman recounted her ordeal before Risto Mejide. “Monsters exist and they don’t have the face of Dracula or Frankenstein, they are very human and they are the worst. I fell in love with one, “Fayna admitted to the shocked interviewer who was going back to the beginning of their relationship, an idyll that began on TV. «In the house of ‘Big Brother’ the image of him that was reflected was that of an aggressive uncle, but I fell in love with an uncle who spoke very well to me about his family, his sisters, his grandmother… and that other part I also found it attractive, that of the rebel without a cause, ”recalled the guest.

«We started the relationship backwards. Normally, couples meet, go to the movies… and then live together. We start with coexistence and then we see each other on the street. That fame conditions us a lot and we isolate ourselves. The first thing the abuser tries is to isolate you, he had it easy with me, ”Fayna evoked. They went to live together and Carlos soon took off his mask. “It didn’t take long for the monster to appear. I remember one hot summer afternoon, the streets were deserted and I don’t know exactly what happened, but he squeezed my hand so hard that tears came to my eyes,” she recounted. And the aggressions were growing. «The first times they were stomped, squeezed… The most brutal aggressions were towards the end of the relationship. At first it started with touches », she explained. Her voice cracked as she remembered that. «He did not ask for forgiveness and if he did, it was blaming me because I had provoked him. I thought that there was something that I had to correct, “she lamented.

Fayna and Carlos had two children and he was clear about the role of his wife. “She lived in seclusion. She told me: The one on TV is me. My job was to cook,” she declared. And it is that the small screen whitened the abuser. «When I saw him on TV I was surprised by the hypocrisy facing the outside, in the debates he was a feminist. He was quite a beloved character », he evoked. Being a mother transforms Fayna. «Things change when I realize that what I accept affects my children. He begins to answer and that causes him more anger, “she pointed out. And one day she takes the plunge. «A turning point arrives after a very harsh physical attack. I will not go into details, but it leaves my body full of bruises. I was always very careful not to leave marks on my face. He was a very paranoid person,” she claimed.

“How could I lose control of my life like that!” Fayna said with tears in her eyes. “Many women contact me. That’s why I’m here, so they can see that you can go out, “encouraged the Canary who ‘El Yoyas’ did not let her go alone or to the supermarket. And if Fayna told him that she was going to leave him, he would explode. “He told me that I was going to go to my island, yes, but feet first,” she stated. «He mistreated me in front of my children, he didn’t care anymore. And it is no longer the physical aggression, it is the fear that you experience. He grabbed me by the neck and told me that he was going to kill me. And the funny thing is that I was ashamed to be seen and I even went so far as to defend him for that. He thought he wasn’t so bad because he could have killed me and he hadn’t,” she recounted.

Fed up with attacks and threats, Bethencourt denounced Carlos. «When I filed the first complaint, I was already in the Canary Islands with my children. He sent me audios and, when I blocked him, he sent them to my eldest daughter. He got a sick sexual message addressed to me. My daughter was ten years old then », she stated with a lump in her throat. However, Carlos appeared on the island asking for forgiveness and convinced Fayna again. “I withdrew the complaint because I felt sorry for it. And I regretted it because I saw myself in the same ones again. He told me that he was going to come to the Canary Islands for my children’s birthday. I was already starting my relationship with my current partner. And Armageddon breaks out. Start over with the threats. I felt afraid again and I went to my parents’ house with my children. I told my father to accompany me to the Civil Guard. And he, meanwhile, starts sending messages to my daughter and my mother threatening my partner. He appeared in front of my parents’ house making a scandal. My daughter called me because she had panicked. And the police go and arrest him, and that’s when this jumps to the media, “he recalled.

Since November 28, Carlos Navarro has been in search and capture. “They judge you, they sentence you and instead of arresting you, they send you a paper so that you can present yourself and put you in prison. That is not right. Then he fucks and gets lost in a forest. And he gives an interview to a national media », reproached Fayna. «They excuse themselves by saying that the right to information prevails. Explain it to me that I have suffered what this being has done to me. I find it totally reprehensible. It is that they have condemned him! », she censured hurt. Despite the sentence, Yoyas is still free and this worries his ex-wife. «The more time passes, the less calm I am. I do not know where is he. He told me that he didn’t care if he went to jail for killing me because they were going to feed him there. He has threatened to kill me so many times, what’s to stop him? I will never be safe while he is free on the street. The worst thing is that there is a part of me that thinks that I can appear on the news and then they will say: How poor! », She settled visibly affected.

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