Fear in Israel: Biden will provide sweeping benefits to Iran

by time news

Following the report that President Biden opposes removing the Revolutionary Guards from the list of terrorist organizations, Jerusalem emphasizes that this is not yet the final position of the government | Even if Biden’s change of position is finally accepted, Israel fears the move against the Revolutionary Guards will cause the US to grant Iran other concessions.

Fear in Israel: In Israel, reports coming in from Washington over the weekend are being treated with caution, according to which the administration is withdrawing its intention to remove Iran’s Revolutionary Guards from the list of terrorist organizations.

The political system emphasizes that this is not yet the administration’s final position, but rather informal briefings on President Biden’s position, with his secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, still in favor of meeting the Iranian demand on the issue of shifts. In addition, there is a fear that the Americans will give Iran other, no less significant concessions, in order to eventually sign the renewed nuclear agreement, Ariel Kahana published this morning in “Israel Today”.

However, a diplomat said that even if the US insists on not removing the Revolutionary Guards from the list and does not give up on Iran on other issues, Iran itself may give up and sign the draft agreement, as the parties have already agreed, although in Israel it is a very bad agreement.

Reports in the United States about the turnaround in the administration’s position came at the end of Blitz’s pressure from Israel. Last week, the US Prime Minister’s Political Adviser, Shimrit Meir, was in the United States, and held a lengthy conversation with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

Israel’s ambassador to Washington, Michael (Mike) Herzog, also worked with government officials and Congress to explain why Israel considers removing the Revolutionary Guards from the list such a serious step. One of the two emphases was that the combination of signing the nuclear deal, raising world energy prices, and removing shifts from the list, “alienates the world’s largest terrorist organization hundreds of billions of dollars. Such development is not theoretical but has practical, very serious implications for Israel and the region.”

The Washington Post commentator David Ignatius published an article in which he claimed that US President Joe Biden was strongly opposed to removing the Revolutionary Guards from the list of terrorists, and intended to adhere to that opposition even if it meant overthrowing the emerging nuclear deal in Iran.

The commentator claimed that a senior US administration official said that Baiden had no intention of agreeing to change the definition of the organization, which was adopted during the tenure of former President Donald Trump, even if it meant the failure of talks with Iran in Vienna. “The ball is now in Iran’s court, if there is a nuclear deal at all. The president intends to adhere to our basic principles, the Iranians know this well,” the source said.

The Iranian demand that the organization, which operates many terrorist networks in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Yemen, be removed from the list of US terrorist organizations is intended to release Revolutionary Guards funds and allow it to operate more easily outside Iran.

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