Federal Elections | Judicial recount in Châteauguay — Lacolle

by time news

(Montreal) A judicial recount of the votes will be done in the riding of Châteauguay — Lacolle, ruled Friday the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, Stéphane Perrault.

The count was requested by Brenda Shanahan, the Liberal Party of Canada candidate.

Election results indicate that she had obtained 286 votes less than her rival Patrick O’Hara of the Bloc Québécois.

On Tuesday, the PLC said it had discovered a “potential anomaly” with a ballot box.

Elections Canada had confirmed that a returning officer spotted a typing error in the number of ballots recorded at the constituency polling station, where 40 votes in favor of a candidate were recorded as 410.

According to Elections Canada, this error, which has been rectified, was due to human error and other typos have also been corrected.

The recount will be chaired by Quebec Superior Court judge Anne Jacob and will begin on Monday.

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