Federation of Korean Trade Unions “A more devastating era than the days of Lee Myung-bak and Geun-hye… I will fight head-on.”

by time news

The Federation of Korean Trade Unions celebrates its 77th anniversary amid extreme confrontation between the government and labor

Dongmyeong Kim “I will protect workers’ rights through struggle”

Lee Jung-sik “Labor reform is desperate… I can’t settle for the past”

Kim Dong-myeong, chairman of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, and attendees cut sirutteok at the 77th anniversary ceremony held at the Convention Hall of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions in Yeouido, Seoul on the 10th. yunhap news

The Federation of Korean Trade Unions, which celebrated its 77th anniversary, predicted a head-on struggle over the government’s labor policies, such as the pressure to submit accounts for labor unions and the ’69-hour overtime work week’, saying, “We are going backwards to turn the time of labor law back to 70 years ago.”

Kim Dong-myeong, chairman of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, attended the 77th anniversary ceremony held at the Convention Hall of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 10th and said, “The future and hope of a sustainable Korean society are disappearing, and a more disastrous regress than the conservative governments Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye put together ( We are facing an era of reversal,” he said.

Chairman Kim said, “We will fight head-on against the government’s attacks from being forced to submit account books to the exploitative working hour system of 69 hours a week and protect workers’ rights to the end.”

Regarding the recent deviant behavior of some executives, he said, “We will resolutely eradicate it with our own strength and go on the path of innovation.” The Federation of Korean Trade Unions demanded the resignation of the head of the Korea Federation of Construction Workers Union, who was recently arrested on charges of coercion and extortion of money, and launched an investigation into Vice Chairman Kang Mo, who was suspected of receiving hundreds of millions of won from the expelled National Construction Workers Union.

There were also orders that the government should engage in dialogue with the unions. Chairman Kim said, “If there is no change in the attitude of the government, which treats the entire labor world as a criminal group and does not recognize it as a subject of dialogue, the duration and intensity of the confrontation will become longer and stronger.”

Government vs labor unions and opposition parties ‘disagreement’ in government labor policy

At the ceremony on this day, the government, business world, labor world, and opposition politicians showed different views over the government’s labor policy.

Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jung-sik said in a congratulatory speech, “The government is pushing for labor reform with a desperate heart,” and “the labor movement should not be satisfied with past achievements and practices.”

He continued, “We must improve internal democracy and external autonomy by guaranteeing the right to know of union members and strengthening transparency to gain trust from the field and the people. Labor-management rule of law is a principle that applies fairly to both labor and management. I hope you will shake off your anger and go to the path of coexistence through dialogue and compromise.”

Kim Ki-moon, chairman of the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business Administration, said, “It is true that many entrepreneurs are looking forward to labor reform, but I also know that there are many concerns in the labor world.

The labor world and opposition politicians were bitter about the government’s labor policy. Lee Yong-deuk, a former chairman of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions and a standing adviser to the Democratic Party, said, “Working hours are getting longer expediently, real wages are going downhill and life is becoming impoverished.” Labor is being pushed out as a target for reform in order to pass it on.”

In a congratulatory speech sent by Lee Jae-myung, the representative of the Democratic Party (deputy chief member Koh Min-jeong), he said, “The government, anxious to contribute to Japan and not be able to spread it to chaebol conglomerates, is oppressing only workers.” said

Jeong-mi Lee, representative of the Justice Party, said, “The incompetent president, unable to resolve the economic crisis of high inflation and high interest rates, is only trying to support the government approval rating through labor suppression.” going out,” he said.

However, there was also self-reflection that the labor movement itself needed innovation. Representative Lee Jeong-mi said, “Many citizens are suspicious of whether the union represents only certain workers.” It should be,” he said.

Chairman Kim said, “For the rights of workers at workplaces with less than five employees, we will definitely achieve the revision of the Labor Standards Act and strengthen the activities of the Platform Labor Mutual Aid Association to boldly approach workers outside the system.”

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