Federfarma-Confcooperative agreement on home care

by time news

A pilot project is underway for the provision of primary care services in the area – screening campaigns, telemedicine, vaccinations, home assistance – through the synergy between pharmacies and medical-health cooperation. To give life to the project, whose memorandum of understanding was signed today, are Federfarma, Promofarma, Confcooperative Sanità and Cap Lazio. The objectives – reads a joint note – are the improvement and development of primary care through the activation of a network of qualified providers of extra-hospital serviceswhich allows the integrated management of the various specialist interventions of treatment, diagnostics and home social-health care with a view to ease and uniformity of access to territorial and home health care.

“The signing of this agreement fits fully into the context of the implementation of the services pharmacy activities, making logistical facilities and services available to citizens at low costs”, he declares Marco Cossolo, president of national Federfarma. “This synergy was also born in support of patient jorney. It is a path in which the pharmacy is the entry point, the first link with the health service, a place for listening, orientation and simplification. The Pharmacy – he adds – it is confirmed fulcrum of a complex system based on a dense network of relationships and services involving many professional figures”.

“Put together, in a systemic logic, pharmacists, doctors, health and social health professionals of the cooperatives creating a model for taking charge of needs that is recognizable and easily accessible for our clients and for all citizens”, is the sense of the agreement for Giuseppe Milanese, president of Confcooperative Sanità. It is “an experimentation – he continues – which in recent years has been carried out by Cap Lazio, but which can be exported to other regional contexts in which this model has already been prepared and represent a local healthcare solution capable of operating in synergy and subsidiarity with the public system. The implementation in the territories of the Pnrr (national recovery and resilience plan, ed) and of the Ministerial Decree 77 – concludes Milanese – opens up important spaces for possible further experiments”.

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