Federico Arreola highlights approval of Claudia Sheinbaum’s response to Donald Trump

by times news cr

2024-07-22 22:06:05

Federico Arreola shared the fifth daily measurement of the ClaudiaMetricsthe daily tracking that measures the support and approval of decisions of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, virtual president-elect.

In the measurement presented by Federico Arreola today, July 22, ClaudiaMetrics shows the approval of the decisions of Claudia Sheinbaum, after her response to US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Remember that ClaudiaMetrics surveys 150 people daily and 1,050 weeklyIn addition, the tracking carried out by SDPnoticias and MetricsMX is also broadcast on Heraldo Radio.

ClaudiaMetrics July 22: Claudia Sheinbaum continues with high approval in her decisions

On July 22, in the ClaudiaMetrics edition, Federico Arreola explained that the daily tracking shows the high level of approval that exists for decisions of Claudia Sheinbaum.

According to the daily survey, people viewed the situation favorably. Claudia Sheinbaum’s defense of the next Secretary of Economy, Marcelo Ebrardin the face of Donald Trump’s disqualifications.

And it is that ClaudiaMetrics points out that decisions of the virtual president-elect such as:

  • Approval of the government cabinet announced by Claudia Sheinbaum
  • The government transition with weekend tours in which AMLO and Claudia Sheinbaum participate

They have a approval of 45.3% and 25.8 percent Regarding the presidential cabinet appointed by Claudia Sheinbaum, described as “very good” and “good” respectively.

While the transition and the tours that are carried out between AMLO and Claudia Sheinbaum have a 53.5% approval rating them as “very good” and 18.5% as “good”.

In this sense, Federico Arreola highlights that the ClaudiaMetrics measurements from SDPnoticias and MetricsMX show the level of approval of the decisions of the virtual president-electa.

Marcelo Ebrard and the virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum (Galo Cañas Rodriguez/Cuartoscuro)

Federico Arreola points out Mexican support for Claudia Sheinbaum’s response to Donald Trump and assures that it is time for women

Likewise, Federico Arreola highlighted that Claudia Sheinbaum successfully overcame the scandal generated by Donald Trump’s criticism of Marcelo Ebrard, and the defense that the elected candidate made of her official.

With this, the journalist states, Respect was demanded from the Republican presidential candidate in the United Statesin addition to being invited to “tone down and respect Mexico,” since there will be cooperation between both countries, but “not blind obedience.”

He also added that, According to ClaudiaMetrics, people “looked favorably” on Sheinbaum Pardo’s response to Donald Trump, This is what the approval levels of the daily tracking show.

“Claudia felt it was her duty, as a good boss, to defend the person who is now her subordinate and she did so. The president-elect of Mexico acted correctly. The ClaudiaMetrics numbers are there, the Mexican population approves of what she did.”

Federico Arreola

Federico Arreola added that Donald Trump is going through a difficult period in his race for the US presidency, because when he thought that no one would stop him, two women crossed his path.

Is about Claudia Sheinbaumwho “put the presidential candidate in his place”and of Kamala Harriswho is emerging as the Democratic Party’s candidate for president of the United States.

This shows that “We live in a time of women in Mexico, in the United States and in the rest of the world,” Federico Arreola assured ClaudiaMetrics.

“Suddenly two women stood in front of Donald Trump, one Mexican, one American.

There is no doubt that we live in a time of women in Mexico, in the United States and in the rest of the world.”

Federico Arreola

2024-07-22 22:06:05

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