Fedez hospitalized, his health conditions

by time news

2023-10-03 15:35:32

Quiet day for Fedez, hospitalized since Thursday at the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Milan for two ulcers that had caused internal bleeding. According to what time.news Salute has learned – after the new bleeding on Sunday, intercepted thanks to constant monitoring by the Emergency and Oncology Surgery team directed by Marco Antonio Zappa, and stopped through an endoscopy without the need for transfusions – today the rapper’s conditions appear to be under control, although strictly and continuously monitored.

It was last September 29th that, from his Instagram profile, Fedez announced his hospitalization, confirming the rumors that had circulated in the previous hours and fueled by the sudden return of his wife Chiara Ferragni from Paris. “Unfortunately I am currently hospitalized due to two ulcers that caused me internal bleeding. They saved my life” Fedez wrote.

What brought the rapper to the emergency room of the Asst Fbf-Sacco garrison in Milan were possible clinical manifestations in the presence of “a peptic ulcer”. “It is a duodenal ulcer which can naturally bleed from time to time” Massimo Falconi, director of pancreatic surgery at the Irccs San Raffaele hospital in Milan, explained to time.news Salute, who in March 2022 operated on Fedez for a neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas . “In fact it is a rare event, but it depends for example on how long the patient has had symptoms, or perhaps on whether he has been taking medications. I cannot know for sure”, the San Raffaele specialist is keen to point out. However, “the mechanism to which I think the hemorrhage may be attributable” is exactly that of peptic ulcers, which can occasionally become complicated”. After an operation like the one the rapper underwent a year ago “there may be a more or less significant fragility” of the part of the organism involved, says the expert, “but we almost never observe this type of manifestation, especially at a distance of such significant time since surgery”.

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