Feijóo announces measures against a PP mayor who says that “Irene Montero has sores in her mouth from sucking the pigtails”

by time news

“Irene Montero has sores in her mouth from sucking the pigtails.” This is how José María Sáiz, mayor of the PP in Villar de Cañas, the Cuenca town known for having been chosen to house the Centralized Temporary Storage (ATC) of nuclear waste in Spain, dispatched.

The interview was carried out in the medium related to the extreme right EDATV and an excerpt has been shared by the person who was the head of Podemos through the social network Twitter. Pablo Iglesias commented: “The one who interviews him is financed by Ayuso.”

“This is a working mayor,” the interviewer said, pointing to the mayor’s hands. “Irene Montero has her hands like that?”, she asked the mayor. “Irene Montero has sores in her mouth from sucking on her pigtails,” he replied, adding that “all our parents told us to bend over backwards to study. That she got down on her knees and look: minister ”.

“We will act immediately”, has responded the national president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, also through the same social network. “There are hundreds of reasons to censor Irene Montero’s career as a minister, but not everything goes in politics. I will NOT accept any attack on the dignity of a woman under the acronym of the PP ”, he said.

Sources from the national leadership of the PP consulted by elDiario.es do not specify, however, what Feijóo’s words translate into.

From Castilla-La Mancha there were also reactions. The president of the ‘popular’ castellanomanchegos showed his “maximum rejection” of the behavior and statements of the mayor of Cuenca to say that his attitude “has no place in the PP” of the region “nor does it represent our way of being or doing politics” . He also does not explain if there will be consequences for the mayor.

Núñez has taken the opportunity to charge against the minister who, in his opinion, “is doing a lot of damage to Spain, but we will continue to denounce his actions with respect and democracy.”

“The one who makes this disgusting macho comment about Irene Montero is José María Sáiz, mayor of the PP in Villar de Cañas (Cuenca). Yes, the same one that wants to turn our province into a nuclear cemetery”, recalled the mayor of Cuenca en Marcha in the Cuenca City Council, María Ángeles García. “This type of attitude should have no place in our society. Enough, ”she asked.

“You can not share ideas but you must respect people. These words from a public office are unacceptable. My solidarity with Irene Montero”, said the number two of the PSOE of Castilla-La Mancha, Sergio Gutiérrez, who has expressed his “maximum condemnation” to ask the leader of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, to expel him ” immediately”.

The Secretary of Organization of the Castilian-Manchego PSOE published a tweet recalling the recent case of the former mayor of Cabanillas del Campo and current councilor of the PP, Jaime Celada, who was recorded singing the Falangist hymn ‘Cara al sol’ in a restaurant in Guadalajara. The PP opened a file on him and a few days ago announced that he was leaving politics, blaming his party for not having received sufficient support. “Between faces to the sun and this, what kind of party is it?” They asked today from the PSOE.

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