Feijóo commits to a national water pact and accuses Sánchez of talking about a drought due to the elections

by time news

2023-04-22 15:23:21

The president of the Popular Party (PP), Alberto Núñez Feijóohas promised in Murcia “to promote and approve a national water pact that guarantees hydrological planning and investment, that solves problems and meets environmental, social and economic objectives, fostering consensus and ending confrontation” over this resource.

This was announced at a rally with the candidates for the 45 mayors of the region. The announcement has been received with a round of applause by the public officials of the party, militants and supporters. “We have been concerned about water for years and it occupies a central axis on the PP’s agenda”, he commented before referring to the Prime Minister.

It is clear that he is concerned about the climate, the electoral climate in which we are

Feijóo has accused Pedro Sanchez of remember the drought just because next May 28 there are elections. “It is clear that she is concerned about the climate, the electoral climate in which we are,” she said.

This plan, according to the leader of the PP, is “an obligation” and that must be sealed counting “with everyone”, with “hydrological planning for the whole country” and guaranteeing “investment” so that “problems are solved with consensus, environmental and economic commitments are fulfilled”.

Law ‘only yes is yes’

“We are and will always be a State party in the Government and in the opposition, which tries to solve problems that it has not created by putting the interests of the people above all else, errors, insults and irresponsibility of others, as we have done with the law of only yes is yes without caring negotiate with the PSOE our reform proposal”, he pointed out.

I am proud to have supported our people honestly

“I don’t know if it’s going to be good or bad for us, I don’t have any survey, but I don’t care, because it is good for minors and women, to his dignity and to that of Spain. I am not ashamed, but rather proud to have honestly stood up for our people in the face of the voices that they told us not to support the government“, has added.

For Feijóo, the executive coalition “deals with problems confronting territories, parties, people and public administrations looking for culprits among judges, farmers or the self-employed, without cooperating with the autonomies, resisting, not governing”, but that “problems are fixed with proposals, agreements, work and decisions “.

#Feijóo #commits #national #water #pact #accuses #Sánchez #talking #drought #due #elections

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