Feijóo “jumps” into the street to look for two million undecided

by time news

2023-04-25 02:04:01

Two opposing campaign styles will support the strategy of Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo in this electoral cycle. Genoa has decided to emulate Mariano Rajoy’s 2015 and 2016 campaign, and this means organizing an agenda that includes daily contact with the street during the official fifteen days of the campaign, and also in the bulk of the pre-campaign activity.

The strategy contrasts with the one that Moncloa is following with the President of the Government: “fake” rallies and meetings with citizens (prepared in advance) or canned videos.

The official justification is that Sánchez wants to mobilize the party, which he notes still lacks “punch” and security reasons are also argued. In any case, in this electoral examination the image of two “candidates” will face each other, because both Sánchez and Feijóo are campaigning, that they move in opposite dimensions. In the case of the popular leader, the campaign team has decided to focus on the undecided vote, those more than two million people who in a general election fluctuate between voting for the PP or the PSOE.

With a very important variable to take into account, and that is that the voting culture of the Spanish has been changing a lot, and more and more the ballot is decided in the last days of the campaign.

The volume of undecided in regional and municipal elections does not reach those two million of the general ones, but this campaign of 28-M has entered into a national inertia in which, in a certain way, many of the efforts made by national leaders could be saved because, according to experts, they will be of little use.

Just in case, Sánchez and Feijóo have put the campaign on their shoulders, and today they will play the “ball” in the Senate, in another of their parliamentary scuffles, in accordance with the slogans that mark their respective strategies. Sánchez will maintain that personalized aggressiveness in the popular leader in which he maintains his electoral haranguesand the PP hopes that Feijóo will also “arrear” the President of the Government, but looking for that difficult balance with the coherence with his own campaign and his objectives.

From the precedent of the general elections of 2015 and 2016, due to the electoral repetition, the reading that today is made in the popular direction is that the strategy of “street, street, street” was useful because it served to overcome positions and end up later forming a government.

So, the PP came from the cuts, from Bárcenas…, and the situation today is different and the reasons for choosing the same path, too: “The reasons for Feijóo’s street campaign are to oppose it to Sánchez’s lack of street.”

The demoscopic conclusion that in these elections a very important volume of votes will still remain to be distributed when the flag for the start of the campaign is officially raised increases the importance of the “traps” that may appear along the way for each of the contenders .

There are sociologists who estimate that the number of undecideds could exceed 30 percent, and that around ten percent will make their decision just in the last weekend.

The “traps” that the Sánchez campaign team is placing along the way are all aimed at mobilizing their voters and get the PP out of that center space in which they have insisted on playing the electoral party.

Feijóo is dedicated to expanding his electoral space, in a commitment to a majority that allows him to govern alone in the greatest possible number of regional and municipal “squares”. This is the mirror in which the citizens will look when they have to go to place their vote in the ballot box for the general elections. The popular leader has the voter of the right very mobilized, and does not suffer the wear and tear of the management of the national government that does affect the president of the Government.

While Sánchez’s campaign team is concerned about the demobilization of his own, his militancy and voters who, in principle, should be insured at the polls. The street is left to the Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, as a complement to the strategy of the socialist leader, who moves as “Evita.”

A distribution of roles that will already be displayed in this 28-M campaign, in what is a kind of rehearsal of what will come after September in the race for La Moncloa.

What worries Sánchez’s “gurus” the most at the moment are the consequences of the war of destruction between the Podemos space and the Sumar platform. Although this is also the way out through which to discharge responsibilities in the event that the elections do not go as well as they expect, or so they say, in Ferraz.

If there is something that seems clear on the left, it is that the one who has the least to lose in this electoral event is Yolanda Díaz. Whether it goes well or badly, you will have reasons to take credit for yourself or to blame others for failure. And in the destructive war on the left there is a factor that may also be relevant, the socialist leader does not have control over Díaz, who has been “sold” from her environment.

The vice president and candidate of Sumar does not submit to more interest than her own, neither feel obligated nor grateful neither to Iglesias nor to the socialist leader. He already said it in the last interview in La Sexta by Jordi Évole.

#Feijóo #jumps #street #million #undecided

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