Félix Bolaños will undergo surgery this afternoon for biliary colic | Spain

by time news

2023-05-06 18:39:02

The Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, has been admitted to a Madrid public hospital suffering from gallbladder problems that he has been dragging on since April 29, and which respond, according to the diagnosis, to a picture of biliary colic and cholecystitis , an inflammation of that organ, caused by stones, according to sources from La Moncloa.

The medical team has recommended that he undergo a surgical operation that is scheduled for this Saturday afternoon at the hospital where he is admitted, which has not been disclosed. Bolaños will cancel his entire schedule for the next few days and will gradually rejoin his activities as the indications of his doctors allow.

On the 2nd, the minister starred in a clash with the protocol team of the Community of Madrid during the institutional celebration of the day of the region, which prevented him from accessing the rostrum along with the rest of the authorities during the civic-military parade while letting pass the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The minister then followed the course of the military parade, but at one point he was absent. He later explained to various journalists in attendance that he had done it because he was unwell.

The Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, was present in the rostrum, despite the fact that the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, later justified the refusal to allow Bolaños to join the delegation in which, according to what she said, Dos de Mayo “is not a day for ministers”. Ayuso added that the head of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Democratic Memory had not been invited.

Also present in the presidential rostrum were the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida; the JEMAD, Teodoro López; the president of the Madrid Assembly, María Eugenia Carballedo, and the regional vice president, Enrique Ossorio.

Sources from La Moncloa accused Madrid of breaching Royal Decree 2099/1983, which approves the General Order of Precedence in the State, by not allowing “a minister of the Government of Spain to go up to the rostrum of the military parade that commemorates the festival of Dos de Mayo”.

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#Félix #Bolaños #undergo #surgery #afternoon #biliary #colic #Spain

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