Fellini’s muse Sandra Milo, actress, dead at 90

by time news

2024-01-29 08:52:49

She’s dead Sandra Milo, he was 90 years old. She passed away in her home in Rome among the affection of her loved ones, as she had requested. Her family made it known. ‘sandrocchia‘, as he had nicknamed her Federico Fellini for whom she was a muse, she was one of the most popular actresses in Italian cinema.

The David for Lifetime Achievement goes to Sandra Milo: “An award for rebirth, waiting for a film with Garrone” by Arianna Finos 28 April 2021

A very long career with great directors, from Roberto Rossellini ad Antonio Pietrangeliyes Sergio Corbucci a Federico Fellini, dto Luigi Zampa a Dino Risi, Luciano Salce, Duccio Tessari, Pupi Avati, Gabriele Salvatores until Gabriele Muccino, loves, children and TV. From Alberto Sordi with which he made his debut The bachelor Of Antonio Pietrangeli in 1955 until the series Accidental gigolo, released at Christmas on Prime Video, almost seventy years of cinema without ever stopping, without ever giving up. Like when, just three years ago, she went to chain herself in front of Palazzo Chigi for entertainment workers in difficulty after the pandemic. At 87 years old she had tied herself in front of the Palace until Prime Minister Conte received her. At 88 years old she received the David for Lifetime Achievement and, as proof that he had not lost his desire for cinema, he told a Republic who dreamed of making a film with Matteo Garrone.

Born in Tunis on 11 March 1933 to a Tuscan mother and Sicilian father, Savior Elena Greco (this is her real name) she grew up in the province of Pisa, and then moved to Viareggio as a teenager. Her first marriage was when she was very young when she was fifteen but it was annulled by the Sacred Rota in 1948. The world of entertainment entered the life of the eighteen year old in 1955 when she made her film debut alongside Alberto Sordi.


However, his first important role came in 1959 with General Della Rovere Of Roberto Rosselliniwhich was followed by titles that have entered the history of cinema such as Adua and her companions Of Antonio PietrangeliGhosts in Rome, Juliet of the Spirits and especially,, awarded with the Oscar. After Rossellini’s film and Pietrangeli’s, Sandra Milo’s career had come to a standstill due to the film’s rejection in Venice. Vanina Vaninibased on the story of the same name by Stendhal and once again signed by Roberto Rossellini. The film was rejected by critics but it was above all her interpretation that suffered the most ferocious criticism.

That very clear lightness of Sandra Milo, the diva who transformed life into entertainment by Silvia Fumarola 29 January 2024

Fu Federico Fellini to offer her a second opportunity, starting a long professional but also sentimental partnership with the actress which led them to be lovers for 17 years.

Sandra Milo: “I loved Fellini, I was only attracted to Mastroianni spiritually. I remember that strange request of his on the set of 8 1/2. It still makes me laugh…” by Antonio Iovane 08 April 2023

“I was very much in love with Fellini – the actress told RepublicMarcello e Federico they were very close friends, they told each other everything, their adventures and their love stories, so Marcello was perfectly aware of the story between me and Federico. Marcello was lighter, Federico had greater depth, but somehow it’s as if one had those parts that the other was missing, they complemented each other.”


Beyond the love story, kept secret until the death of the director she was married to Giulietta Masina, it was above all from the artistic partnership that Milo obtained great satisfaction. For both films Juliet of the spirits e – in which she was a femme fatale – won the Nastro d’Argento for best supporting actress. The films with Fellini were followed by others in the intense sixties with Luigi Zampa in Summer frenzy (1963), still with Antonio Pietrangeli in The visit (1963), Easter Bell Tower Festival e Massimo Franciosa in The white voices (1964), Dino Risi in The beach umbrella (1965). He appeared in the French cinema next to Fernandel e Jean-Pierre Cassel in I have a crazy, crazy, crazy wife Of Jean Boyer e …then I will marry you Of Philippe de Broca.

The other great clandestine love story was the one with Bettino Craxi. Politically Sandra Milo she grew up in a fascist family, “when the war was over everyone cried, the dead, the lost possessions. But I was little, I wanted to understand what they had done wrong. In Viareggio I met a group of anarchists and I listened to them. They talked about Marx, about socialism, I started reading Marx, Engels, Proudhon, Lenin and discovering that it was important to have a social ideal” she said. In the sixties she approached the socialist party and she was very close to Pietro Nenni (“a wonderful person, a man of extraordinary humanity that today’s politicians no longer have”), in the 1980s he became Craxi’s lover, a secret affair that lasted a couple of years and which ended out of fear that the Husband, Ottavio De Lollis, discovered them. When the movie came out Gianni Amelio Hammamet, Milo said he hadn’t wanted to see him: “I want to remember him when he was strong and fought for his idea of ​​Italy. I didn’t want to see him decline. I want to remember him when he fought for Sigonella”.

Sandra Milo and the cruel joke on her son Ciro: when she left the studio in tears

In the 1980s the actress dedicated herself more to television than to cinema, also helped by her closeness with Craxi. In the 1982-1983 television season you hosted a costume column within the in-depth program Mixer Of Giovanni Minoli, but above all they are the years of Little fans, an afternoon program for children that left a mark in the history of Italian TV in which children sang the songs of their favorites, making it known in many homes in the mid-1980s. But one of the most traumatic episodes of Sandra Milo’s life also occurred on TV during the broadcast Love is a wonderful thinga woman called live saying that her son, Ciro De Lolliswas seriously ill in hospital due to a car accident, it turned out to be a terrible prank call.


In the last part of his career he continued to frequent everything: television, cinema and theatre. Among his latest commitments, Pupi Avati he wanted her in his film in 2003 The heart elsewhere and in 2010 Salvatores in his Happy Familyparticipated in the documentary this year Rome, beautiful and damned Of Roberto D’Agostino. Instead they had arrived at the theater 8 Women and a Mystery, The Oval Bed, Steel Magnolias, The Widows’ Club e A girlfriend for dad. In 2023 the last TV show, the second season of Those good girls on Sky with Orietta Berti e Mara Maionchi. At Christmas she played a woman affected by Alzheimer’s who dreams in old age of a wedding with bells next to Marco Messeri, in the comedy series with Pietro Sermonti e Christian De Sica Accidental gigolo. Proving to the end that the world of entertainment was his home.

Sandra Milo’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 30th at 12 in Rome, in the Church of the Artists in Piazza del Popolo. While on Tuesday from 10am it will be possible to say a final farewell to the actress in the Capitol where the funeral home will be hosted.

#Fellinis #muse #Sandra #Milo #actress #dead

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