Femicide in Agioi Anargyros: The testimonies, the documents and the 6 caratomes 2024-04-03 20:46:47

by time news

With the dismissal of six police officers, the second 24 hours since the cold-blooded murder of a woman outside the police station of Agioi Anargyroagainst the backdrop of revealing video and audio documents that were released today, and document Monday’s crime in its entirety.

At the same time, intense political conflict between the government and the opposition has erupted, inside and outside Parliament, over the legal framework for femicide.

The commander of the AT, the target who was a few meters from the scene of the murder, the duty officer, the supervisor, the supervisor’s driver, and the operator of the Immediate Action who was talking to the 28-year-old woman were removed from their positions, until and the moment the young woman fell dead after being attacked from behind by her ex-partner, whom she had just reported for threats and violence.

The video

The last seconds before the stabbing were recorded by a camera outside the police station on Saints Anargyros. The 28-year-old is seen exiting the AT, accompanied by a friend, and talking on the phone with Immediate Action, asking for a patrol car to accompany her to her home.

When he realizes the perpetrator, he turns and heads back to the police station. The 38-year-old is seen running towards her moments before stabbing her to death in the back.

The dialogue with “100”

In an audio document that was also revealed today, the 28-year-old’s dialogue with an Immediate Action police officer, who asks for details in order to send a patrol car to the house, has been recorded.

“Ma’am, the police car is not a taxi”

In the dialogue that lasts just over a minute, before the victim is killed by the 38-year-old, the policeman can be heard saying, among other things, to the young woman who asks for a police car to take her home: “Ma’am, the police car is not a taxi.” .

The policeman then argues that the patrol car can be sent directly to the woman’s house, where she had seen him lingering. Seconds later, the woman realizes that her ex-boyfriend has followed her to the police station, she turns and walks with her boyfriend towards the police station, the assailant runs and hits her in the back, killing her.

The dialogue in question

  • Immediate action
  • Yes, good evening.
  • Hello.
  • I am in the section of Agios Anargyro and I need someone to be able to take me to my house, because my ex is waiting for me outside my house, who has a lot of psychological problems.
  • So should I send to your house for your ex?
  • Here you go;
  • Should I send a patrol car to your house for the ex?
  • No I’m in the department and I want to go home and I’m afraid to go alone. I saw him. He waits outside the door.
  • Okay, the police car is not a taxi. I will send if you want to your home.
  • Fine, send if you want to my house…
  • On which street?
  • Aristophanes, Saints Anargyri. What time will he be there?
  • I don’t know at what time.
  • Nice. And what should I do? Should I wait in the department or start walking home?
  • Have you sued him?
  • No.
  • So, what does he do? Is he waiting for what?
  • He’s waiting to take revenge on me, I don’t know. Hit me. And yesterday it had come and we didn’t take it that long.
  • Your name;
  • Griva Sunday.
  • So her ex-partner is waiting outside her house with the intention of… to do violence to you, right?
  • Yes.
  • In order to do violence to her. About what time will you be there? To write; Would you like?
  • Well, I’m next to you. I’m next to you. I’ll be there in 2 minutes.
  • It is located nearby. Are you at the police station to write?
  • Now yes, but I’m in a car with a friend of mine and we want to go home.
  • It’s at the police station.
  • Ugh.. I’m getting lost. He has come here.
  • The ex;
  • Yes, it’s here.
  • So should I send it to the police station?
  • Yes… (screams…)

According to information, the audio was sent yesterday, by the police itself, to the prosecutor and to the person conducting the internal investigation on behalf of EL.AS.

The filing of the purpose outside the A.T.

“K” brought to light the testimony of the target who was on duty at the police station, next to the place where Kyriaki Griva was murdered.

Starting his testimony he states: “I am a police officer and I serve at the Agioi Anargyro Police Department. On 1-4-2024 I was on scheduled shop duty during the hours of 10:00pm-6:00am. At 10:10 p.m. a man and a young woman came to my service, who told me that they were afraid of someone and I referred them to the duty officer of the police station, in order to be arrested.”

The target allegedly retaliated after the attacker stabbed the 28-year-old and then self-harmed. He claimed: “After about ten minutes they both came down. They greeted me and walked away to the PROPO agency which is close to my service. After a while I heard the man accompanying the woman say “he’s pushing her”. I immediately came out of the lookout and saw the woman and another man clinging to her body from behind, walking slowly towards the lookout, I couldn’t see his hands at all. Then the man moved a little away from the woman, and then I realized that he was holding a large knife, that he was pulling it from her back, and that the woman was falling on her face and bleeding from her body and mouth. In a flash the man with the knife he was holding turned it on himself, he cut himself in the neck and was bleeding. He was still holding the knife, but I kicked it away with my foot to protect those around me, as well as myself.”

Parliament: Political opposition to the legal framework of femicide

The video outside her house and the testimony

On Monday night, the 28-year-old went to the police station to ask for help, fearing for her life. Video of the last minutes before the crime shows the perpetrator loitering on his motorcycle outside her home.

The video was taken shortly after 21:00 at night by a camera of the apartment building, where the 28-year-old lived. As soon as the young woman noticed his presence, she decided to go to the police station to ask for protection.

An eyewitness described to ERT: “Everything happened in a fraction of a second, we couldn’t react. I get off the bus and see this whole scene. To surprise her from behind while she was talking to Direct Action and to say that “I want help, a police car to take me home” and the guy jumps back and pins her. He appealed for help.”

The assailant then injured himself with the fatal weapon and the only thing he allegedly asked the officers was to “take him to the mental hospital.”

Father of 28-year-old woman: She had miscarried after being beaten

Earlier, new information came to light about the nightmare that the young woman was living through.

As reported by ERT, during the time that she had reported the 38-year-old for rape and generally abusive behavior, the young woman had become pregnant by the perpetrator. According to the victim’s father, the young woman had miscarried after being beaten, even though she had told her family that she had had an abortion.

“She had become pregnant about 2-3 years ago. He had let us know, they had talked to him and he was supposed to want it. But in the end she told us she had an abortion. They didn’t tell me he hit her. He kept hitting her. And then I realized that he had hit her and lost the child. In order not to tell us what had happened, she told us that she had an abortion,” said the 28-year-old’s father.

Parliament: Political opposition to the legal framework of femicide

Against the backdrop of the femicide in Agios Anargyros, a heated debate broke out in the Parliament.

The president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, proposed to legislate, in terms of the criminal aspect, the term femicide. “We have a security issue in our country that concerns crime, domestic violence, civil protection,” he commented in an interview with the SKAI station.

The official opposition submitted an amendment for the legal recognition of the term femicide, which was rejected, with the government, through the mouth of Pavlos Marinakis, accusing the opposition of hypocrisy and communication exploitation.

“SYRIZA, which proposes the legal recognition of the term (…) shortly before leaving power, passed a criminal code. In this criminal code, for homicide, which is also femicide, while until then life imprisonment was the only penalty, the maximum penalty, he put life imprisonment or a sentence of up to 15 years. That is, a murderer, a womanizer can get a sentence, not only 15, even 10 years, that is, in five years he will be out of prison (…) We reinstated life as an exclusive sentence”, said Mr. Marinakis speaking on Athens radio 9.84.

“When someone comes and says to acquire an aggravating circumstance because it is femicide, while the penalty for that crime is life imprisonment, he is actually putting on a communication show. Why is he doing a communication show? Because once they know, I think, those who propose it that the maximum sentence is life imprisonment, what do they want to say? Bring back the death penalty? I guess we’ve been solving these for decades. Nor do I want to believe that they are proposing to go to life for femicide and if the victim is not a woman, basically as we described it before, reduce the sentence for the rest. I want to tell you that I think it is very wrong, on a brutal murder, on a tragic event, whatever it is, the only thing some political forces are interested in is to take advantage of this issue politically and communicatively, in order to they make a proposal which in reality, in its legal dimension, not in the social one that we all agree on, has no countermeasures”.

The parliamentary representative of SYRIZA, MP for Drama, Theofilos Xanthopoulos, emphasized: “We are not creating a separate crime. Since it has the gender characteristics identified in our amendment, this without another makes the act of killing the woman, femicide,” he stressed.

“The murders of gender-identifying women, according to the amendment, should be mentioned in the reasoning of the decision. We want to make it clear that specific crimes must be dealt with differently at the social and criminal level. Not by standardizing another form of crime, but by making this gendered dimension visible. You have strong objections. There will come a time when we will all agree that this crime has distinct characteristics. Women are murdered because some consider them their property, and society will define this particular crime in this way,” he added.

“Criminal law and law cannot be permeated by provisions without any legal procedural effect”, emphasized the Minister of Social Cohesion and Family, Sofia Zaharakis from the Parliament.

PASOK submitted a topical question on the matter. Michalis Katrinis stated in the First Program: “The government’s law and order narrative has collapsed” and added that, “there is a widespread feeling of insecurity and on the other hand there is not the slightest reaction from the political leadership of the Ministry of Citizen Protection”.

Freedom Sailing is also asking for answers from the government.

KKE: It is a shame that women are left unprotected
The general secretary of the KKE, Dimitris Koutsoubas, said: “Shame and shame on the Greek state and government, which leave women unprotected. Brave measures should be taken here and now for the all-round social protection of women from multiple forms of violence.”

For his part, the president of Hellenic Solution Kyriakos Velopoulos said: “The policeman is for the citizen. Law and order are unbreakable rules”, while Dimitris Natsios of Niki argued that “the guard who watched the murder dispassionately was involved in a case of a criminal organization”.

The parliamentary representative of the Spartans, Ioannis Kontis, said that “many times those who were punished are police officers when they had to intervene in incidents of violence”.

2024-04-03 20:46:47

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