Feminine ethics vs. male

by time news

2023-10-16 06:01:00

Is the title inappropriate? If we do not know the origin of ethics, is it correct to speak of feminine ethics? And, if the answer is affirmative, then should we speak of masculine ethics? Complex questions, necessary questions.

I am convinced by Carol Gilligan, genetics and reality. Gilligan for her contributions and for her work as an ethicist, psychologist and feminist. In her book “In a Different Voice” (1982), addresses issues about “ethical relationships”, that is, honest and trustworthy relationships. Genetics captivates me because of what the chromosomes know about us and what we don’t know about them. Many differences must hide: XX is not the same as XY. XX goes beyond the uterus and XY goes beyond the penis. Pregnancy and childbearing are attributes of women. Attributes transformed into feminine virtues, in the so-called virtue ethics.

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Men became hunters while women raised. Hunting and being strong, perhaps we will know in the future, is due to some amino acids on the Y chromosome. Pregnancy depends on the X chromosomes. Raising means loving. Hunting means killing. Perhaps that is why women murder little and men a lot. Gilligan explains it another way. There are two ways of moral thinking; an ethic of care (Ethics of Care), and another that deals with rights and justice. Although they are not mutually exclusive, the first is “more” feminine and the second is “more” masculine.

They also invite me to think about machismo and its substitutes: feminicide, better salaries for men than women, even though the latter are more learned, little representation of women in academic or political leadership, a tiny number of female presidents. I am drawn to the wisdom of Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize winner (2006), founder of the Grameen Bank. Yunus developed the concept of microcredits and understood that the success of economic loans lies in granting them to women and not men; The woman takes care of the family.

I am also persuaded by the lack of certainty of the great teachers, be they philosophers, sociologists or scientists. It is not known where ethics comes from. And we will never know: the origin of ethics escapes any investigation. On the other hand, if we know that biology −XX,

In “In a Different Voice,” Gilligan suggests that “women speak with a different voice,” the “voice of care.” That voice has empathetic qualities and emanates from a sense of responsibility towards others. In men, the factors that give rise to an ethic of justice and rights prevail. According to Gilligan, masculine ethics, based on norms, tend to resolve conflicts, although, on this topic, he disagrees with Gilligan: the anxiety of the contemporary world is due to masculine violence. Feminine ethics, based on personal relationships, friendship and intimacy, tend to prevent harm and care, ie, ethics of care. The feminine ethic attends and takes care of others. In short, there is a masculine ethic of justice and a feminine ethic of care.

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The division between one ethic and another is not absolute. Men and women care and worry about justice. The world lacks both human care and justice. Caring and being fair are legacies of the original house. Mixing both knowledges is the challenge. Both ethics must be reinforced. The ethics of care listens and brings great results. Who looks for their missing people in Mexico?

#Feminine #ethics #male

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