‘Feminism makes women see children as a burden’

by time news

What the Bible teaches as inherent to the figure of women is frontally contrary to the ideology of feminism. According to pastor and writer Renato Vargens, author of the book “Femininity in Crisis” (Editora Trinitas), this involves the concept of family and even raising children.

Through social media, Vargens made some publications alluding to Women’s Day, warning about what feminism really preaches in society. He stated, for example, that this ideology “makes the woman see her husband as a competitor”.

It also makes women see “the children as a burden and the family as unnecessary”, while, on the other hand, the Word of God teaches that “the husband is the wife’s partner, the children are an inheritance from the Lord and that the family is the “place of comfort, shelter and joy”.


In his work, the pastor criticizes the extremes in today’s society, where there is feminism on the one hand, on the other there is machismo, which, in fact, represents an “almost enslaving view of women, who must live passively, in omission, without right of voice and with a vocation for tribufu.”

In celebration of Women’s Day, many celebrities used social networks and even the tribune of the Chamber of Deputies to defend women. Federal deputy Nikolas Ferreira, for example, used a wig to criticize gender ideology and denounce the competition of “trans women” against biological ones.

In another publication, pastor Renato Vargens quoted Christian apologist GK Chesterton, who draws a parallel between the false concept of freedom promoted by feminism in society, when compared to what women experience in the family.

“Feminism brought the confused idea that women are free when they serve their employers, but they are slaves when they help their husbands”, cited Vargens. Check also:

Pastor defends Sorocaba’s wife and criticizes feminism: ‘Women are tired’

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