Feminization of companies: objectives, for what results?

by time news

It is one of the causes that are progressing, but not fast enough: the feminization of companies has become an increasingly shared concern in economies, sometimes even becoming part of the law. This is the case in several European countries such as Norway or France, with a mandatory quota of 40% of women on boards of directors. The European Parliament has just adopted a directive to this effect, after years of debate.

However, men generally keep the power at the head of companies. Of the 40 companies in the CAC 40 (the stock market index of the largest French companies), no woman is CEO, only two are chairmen of the board of directors, only one is general manager. Access to management positions, wage inequalities, gender inequalities in access to credit and investments: global issues, in developed and non-developed countries alike. Women still suffer from a lack of confidence in society in general, and in the economic and financial world in particular. How to “break the glass ceiling” for those who are sometimes in search of leadership, others who are only looking for financial independence or new horizons? This is the subject of Éco d’ici Éco d’ailleurs, which takes a close interest in the case of Côte d’Ivoire. Share and comment on this show on our page Facebook.

Anne Bioulac, ambassador of Women in Africa, in the RFI studios with Bruno Faure. © RFI

Our guests :

Anne Bioulacvice-president of Frog in charge of data and artificial intelligence, ambassador of the initiative Women in Africa.

Pierrette KouakouCEO of Fin’Ellesubsidiary of the group Cofina dedicated to female entrepreneurship in Côte d’Ivoire.

Pierrette Kouakou, general manager of Fin'Elle.
Pierrette Kouakou, general manager of Fin’Elle. © Fin’Elle

Michel Ferraryprofessor of human resources management at the University of Geneva, director of the observatory Scheme of the feminization of French companies, which has just published its annual study.

Michel Ferrary, director of the Skema observatory of the feminization of companies.
Michel Ferrary, director of the Skema observatory of the feminization of companies. © Skema Business School

Our reports:

– What do automotive, digital and construction have in common? All these industrial, technological or scientific sectors are over-represented by men. It is to break stereotypes and put students in touch with these companies that the association They Move organizes the “Women’s Networks and Careers Forum” every year. Nicolas Feldmann went there.

Breaking out of the informal and survival entrepreneurship: in Côte d’Ivoire, Noël Louvel got into the poultry industry with his company Markegest. She called on the services of Fin’Elle. His testimony at the microphone of Marine Jeannin, one of RFI’s correspondents in Abidjan.

Note that on the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Day, Sparknews partners with 14 media outlets to highlight the challenges and solutions to achieving gender equality and build stronger societies.

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