Fencing: the Federations are torn apart around Russian and Belarusian fencers

by time news

It is a sensitive and highly sensitive subject. On March 10, the International Fencing Federation (FIE) confirmed in a vote that Russian and Belarusian fencers could again participate in competitions on the international circuit and therefore take part in the race for the qualifications for the next Olympic Games. in Paris in 2024. A race for points which will start in a few days, in April.

Russians and Belarusians had been absent since the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Since this decision by the FIE, “subject to possible recommendations and future decisions of the IOC (International Olympic Committee)”, the hostile reactions have been numerous within the Federations. A real wave of protests. The first assault came from Germany where the Federation gave up, last week, the organization of the Women’s Foil World Cup stage scheduled for early May in Tauberbischofsheim.

At the beginning of the week the Ukrainian Federation logically carried out a new blow by announcing that it would boycott the competitions if Russian and Belarusian athletes participated in them. “It has been decided not only not to participate in any duel in competition with Russian and Belarusian athletes, but also, for our athletes, coaches and referees, not to participate in any competition in which Russian or Belarusian athletes will participate”, s expressed the Ukrainian authority qualifying the decision of the FIE as “illegal and shameful”.

On Wednesday, it was the turn of the American Fencing Council to position itself and denounce a “premature and limited decision taken in total disregard of the concerns of the athletes”.

“Forcing Ukrainian athletes to choose between not competing and competing against athletes from a country that has relentlessly and violently attacked their fellow citizens is unfair and immoral,” the statement said. We support each athlete’s choice whether or not to participate in these competitions, knowing that their decision is deeply personal and complex (…) We encourage athletes to continue to use their platforms to promote fairness and unity, and to engage in a constructive dialogue on how best to support Ukraine and the global fencing community in these difficult times. »

During this vote at the FIE, Bruno Gares, president of the French Fencing Federation and member of the international body’s Comex, spoke out against the immediate reinstatement of the Russian and Belarusian fencers, managers and officials. “I voted to postpone reinstatement because it is up to the IOC to say what is legitimate or not, explains the leader. We await this decision. For the moment I cannot impose anything on the shooters for the individual events, everyone will decide according to their own feelings and emotions. For team competitions, we have to talk about it with the coaches and the athletes. But it is too early to make a final decision, to comment on such a subject. For the moment we do not know the rules of the game. We will not be able to position ourselves until the IOC has spoken. »

A decision by the IOC Commission at the end of March

Former fencer himself and current President of the IOC, Thomas Bach could answer many questions and clarify the gray areas soon. Traveling to Essen (Germany) on Wednesday, the CIO boss recalled certain rules. “Our principles say clearly and distinctly that any active support of war is prohibited, and that includes wearing the Z (symbol of Russian support for the war), but also posts on social networks and many other things, he assured. Anyone who supports the war in this way cannot participate in the competitions. »

The body’s executive board, which met in January, specified that “only athletes who fully respect the Olympic Charter could participate” in the Games. This commission will meet from March 28 to 30 in Lausanne. The record of the presence of Russian athletes at the Paris Games, and at the various prior competitions, should figure prominently.

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