Fernán Quirós: “We went from applying 500 daily vaccines to 20,000”

by time news

The Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Fernan Quirosheld a press conference to announce the new vaccination centers in the City of Buenos Aires and provide an overview of the current situation of the pandemic.

“The pandemic had a very tough first stage, which was that of ‘the three waves’, which involved a first wave of patients, a second of hospitalizations, and a third of deaths. This type of pandemic has ended by September 2021,” reassured the Buenos Aires minister. “It ended for the enormous immune protection“, held.

“Since the beginning of this year we are going through the second stage, which is the stage prior to the completion of this situationwhich is the ‘one wave’ pandemic that It is an increase in cases and then their decrease without any serious consequences later, because most are mild,” he explained. “We are going through the typical waves of December and January linked to the intense socialization that we all do in this particular period of the year,” he said.

In relation to this, Quirós stressed that “the best protection we have is to be properly vaccinated”. At this stage it prioritize for the third booster those over 50 years of age and those over 12 years of age who are immunosuppressed. He also added that “those who completed their vaccination schedule with their first or second booster are also prioritized.”

In this regard, the Buenos Aires Minister of Health explained that the City had been applying an average of 500 vaccines per day and “in recent weeks it has increased to 20,000 daily”. “We have significantly expanded the places and quantities of vaccination,” she announced and clarified that they will work with a prior shift that is requested through buenosaires.gob.ar/coronavirus/vacunación-covid-19.

Covid cases increased in Argentina for the sixth consecutive week

The imposition of the mask today does not make any sense. If you want to be protected, you have to be vaccinated up to date,” said the City official. He added: “The moments of imposition of measures, especially the mandatory use of a chinstrap, had to do with moments when the immunological protection of the population was not enough”.

Quirós estimated that “surely by mid-January the cases will drop again” and, when asked about the possibility of progress in the purchase of bivalent vaccines by the national government, indicated that “ANMAT has not yet approved this type of vaccines”.

In any case, he clarified that the current vaccines that are being applied “are extremely effective in preventing serious and fatal disease.”

Vaccination levels in CABA

  • 95.8% already have the first dose
  • 94% applied the second dose
  • 74.4% gave themselves the first booster
  • 39.6% received the second booster. In the case of the second reinforcement, the majority are over 50 years of age, according to Quirós.

third reinforcement

The third booster is for people over 50 years of age and immunosuppressed people from the age of 12 who have received their last vaccination more than four months ago.
This reinforcement was applied by 4% of the porteños.

New vaccination centers

  • Club San Lorenzo
  • islamic center
  • Law School
  • Former Detect Devotee
  • Ministry of Health
  • Corralon de Floresta
  • Larreta Museum
  • Lezama Palace
  • Hospital Zubizarreta

Next opening of vaccinations

  • Budhist temple
  • the rural
  • The Rural Park Chacabuco


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