Fernando Madureira, leader of the Super Dragões, was arrested | Justice

by time news

The leader of the Super Dragões was arrested this Wednesday morning, after searches of his residence. The news was confirmed by PÚBLICO, which also found that there is an FC Porto employee among those detained. Fernando Saul, speaker and supporter liaison officer, is the member of the “dragons” who was also targeted by the authorities in the investigation. The PSP confirms the seizure of drugs, a firearm and thousands of euros in house searches.

The Porto District Attorney General’s Office confirmed in a statement that the investigation is related to incidents at the club’s general assembly and other situations of violence. At issue are the crimes of harm to physical integrity at a sporting event, aggravated coercion, aggravated threat, public instigation of a crime, throwing an object or liquid products and an attack on freedom of information.

In addition to the clashes at the club’s general assembly, acts of vandalism at the house of André Villas-Boas, candidate for president of FC Porto, attacks on the caretaker of the condominium of the candidate for president of FC Porto and the theft of his vehicle are also under investigation. collaborator.

In home searches of Operation Praetorianan action that led to the arrest of the leader of the Super Dragões, Fernando Madureira, the PSP seized a firearm, several thousand euros, “various narcotics”, namely cocaine and hashish, pyrotechnic artifacts and more than a hundred tickets to sporting events .

Porsche and BMW seized

The Madureira couple’s residence in Vila Nova de Gaia was searched, with the police now seizing luxury vehicles from Fernando Madureira’s home, including a Porsche and a BMW. The wife of the leader of the Super Dragões, Sandra Madureira, was one of those detained in the operation.

In the case of the general assembly, some fans were attacked and intimidated by members of the fans, something that can be confirmed by analyzing the images collected. In a “black night” in the club’s history, members complained about not having freedom of expression and a climate of coercion. At the time, Fernando Madureira justified to PÚBLICO the incidents with the exchange of insults on social media between Villas-Boas supporters and members of the fan base.

In the case of André Villas-Boas, former coach and candidate for president of the “dragons”, the house he lives in with his family in Porto was vandalized more than once, with insults graffiti on the walls. In the early hours of November 22nd, firecrackers went off outside Villas-Boas’s house, followed by attacks on the condominium caretaker and the theft of his vehicle. Fernando Madureira publicly showed his displeasure with the former coach’s candidacy, aligning the fans with the defense of Pinto da Costa’s re-candidacy.

Support for Pinto da Costa

This operation takes place in the same week as the event in which Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa, president of FC Porto for almost 42 years, will announce a re-candidacy for the “blue and white” presidency. Next Sunday, starting at 5pm, the Coliseu do Porto will host the presentation of a “renovation project” for the club. It will be with his eyes on the future that Pinto da Costa will advance to elections against André Villas-Boas and Nuno Lobo, in search of a 16th term.

Fernando Madureira is one of the main public supporters of the “blue and white” president, having even been present at the supporters’ dinner held two weeks ago with dozens of Porto fans. Com Sónia Trigueirão, Pedro Sales Dias, Sofia Neves and Ana Henriques

News updated at 1:06 pm: added information about seizures made by the PSP

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