Fernando Pereira says that the Ministry of the Interior would have to “guarantee” that his phone is not spied on

by time news

2023-10-19 20:19:12

Fernando Pereira, president of the Frente Amplio.

Fernando Pereira has reaffirmed his statements about the possible intervention of his cell phone. The president of the Frente Amplio has emphasized that he has provided enough elements for any Uruguayan citizen to have doubts about his safety.

Likewise, he has reviewed a series of complaints that have shaken national politics, from the case of espionage on the Frentemalista senators Charles Carrera and Mario Bergara to the investigation into the use of a system called “El Guardian” by two officers, without forgetting the alleged monitoring of the complainants of Gustavo Penadés, which has been pointed out by the prosecutor Alicia Ghione.

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Fernando Pereira and the “tapped” phone

Fernando Pereira ratified his concerns and his open willingness to cooperate with Interpol if this entity requires it. His statements have made it clear that he is willing to submit to any scrutiny necessary to clarify the situation, since, as he inferred in statements, he has doubts about whether or not his phone is “tapped,” a popular term for when a telephone line It is intervened by espionage or eavesdropping work, whether legal or illegal.

Another point of conflict that Pereira has highlighted is the ongoing investigation into the use of the system called “The Guardian” by two officers. This system has been the subject of concern for its potential to track individuals and invade their privacy.

Prosecutor Alicia Ghione has pointed out alleged monitoring of Gustavo Penadés’s complainants, which has added a new dimension to the plot.

I didn’t even say I have it flat, I said I have a right to think I might have it.”Pereira expressed. “They used El Guardian when the minister (Luis Alberto Heber) said it was impossible to use; They followed the children who reported sexual abuse by former Senator Penadés; They stopped a police car against the complainant Romina Papasso; They had Intelligence people, the former director of Comcar (Carlos Taroco), act in the creation of a flow chart; They followed two senators of the Republic. How come I have no elements to think that I may have interception problems? ”He asked.

In his opinion, by now, the Ministry of the Interior should have already “guaranteed” that his phone is not tapped. “Is a complaint necessary for them to tell you that? Is bureaucracy really like that?“said in reference to the complaint filed with Interpol by National Party deputy Diego Echeverría. “And if Interpol calls me, I will go. What problem am I going to have? The problem is (Alejandro) Astesiano’s phone number, not mine”.

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#Fernando #Pereira #Ministry #Interior #guarantee #phone #spied

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