Fernando Villavicencio: the presidential candidate of Ecuador is assassinated – Latin America – International

by time news

2023-08-10 03:26:39

Sources in Ecuador confirmed to EL TIEMPO that Fernando Villavicencio, 59-year-old candidate for the presidency of that country, was assassinated this Wednesday after an electoral rally.

(See also: Fernando Villavicencio: video of a moment of panic in the murder of a candidate in Ecuador)

As it was learned, the presidential candidate of the Construye movement died after being shot while leaving a campaign event that was taking place at the Anderson College Coliseum in Quito, the Ecuadorian capital.

Villavicencio was one of the eight candidates in the first round of the presidential elections that will be held early on August 20 in Ecuador, a country suffering from an increase in violence linked to drug trafficking.

(Also: The heartfelt messages of politicians after the murder of Fernando Villavicencio, candidate)

Carlos Figueroa, a personal friend of Villavicencio, assured in a video broadcast on social networks that the candidate died after being shot, despite the fact that he had been transferred to the Women’s Clinic, a medical center near the site of the shooting.

Figueroa, who is a doctor, said that Villavicencio was shot three times in the head and that when he checked him, he no longer had vital signs.

The news was later confirmed by the Minister of the Interior of that country, Juan Zapata, who assured that the attack was perpetrated by hitmen who also injured other people.

(You can read: The violence continues in Ecuador: they shoot at the house of the governor of a province)

What is known so far?

The event occurred around 6:20 pm (local time) and, according to some versions, other people were injured, although there is currently no official report from the authorities.

Local media indicate that there could be around eight people injured, of which seven would have been admitted to the same Women’s Clinic, where the death of the candidate was confirmed.

(Also read: The video when Fernando Villavicencio warned on television that he was going to be assassinated)

As seen in videos circulating on social networks, at the end of the event, Villavicencio went to a vehicle. At that moment a burst of shots was heard. And immediately afterwards, chaos broke out in the place.

Local media report that the Ecuadorian Police have already set up an operation to locate those responsible for this act, which is shocking Ecuador at a critical time for security in that country.

(In context: Who was Fernando Villavicencio, presidential candidate who was assassinated in Ecuador?)

Villavicencio, identified as a staunch critic of former President Rafael Correa, mobilized with police protection in the face of threats he had received weeks before. In fact, he himself had already publicly warned in recent days of the threats from alias ‘Fito’, head of the choneros criminal gang, and denounced him before the Prosecutor’s Office of his country.

According to information from local media, special agents were investigating the possibility of placing an explosive device in the arena of an educational unit in which the candidate was proselytizing.

Villavicencio’s uncle lamented the death of the presidential candidate and pointed out that “there are more than 50 ballistic indications.” “It is indescribable pain for the family,” Galo Valencia, the candidate’s uncle, said on behalf of his family.

“The relatives have to witness this indescribable situation, that at this moment this unbearable, unbearable situation passes, of receiving the news that my nephew has just passed away,” he added.

(In context: Ecuador faces a growing wave of violence on the eve of its presidential elections)

What is happening in Ecuador?

Villavicencio’s murder occurred at a time when the country is experiencing an escalation of violence due to the action of criminal gangs.

Multiple reports of murders, massacres, extortions, attacks with explosives, among other crimes, are reproduced daily, which have sown terror among Ecuadorians who have suffered from this type of violent acts for a little over two years.

Ecuador closed 2022 with the highest rate of violent deaths in its history, registering 25.32 per 100,000 inhabitants, the vast majority associated, according to the Government, to organized crime and drug trafficking, which has gained strength on the coast and has turned to ports into large springboards for cocaine reaching Europe and North America.

Villavicencio’s murder occurred in the middle of an electoral campaign where the security crisis was already practically taking over the political debate. In previous weeks, the mayor of Manta, Agustín Intriago, and a candidate for assembly in the northern province of Esmeraldas were also murdered in a similar way.

The fight against crime has been one of the main promises of the candidates who aspire to succeed Guillermo Lasso as president in the extraordinary general elections called for next Sunday, August 20.

Villavicencio, according to the most recent polls, ranked second in the intention to vote.

Of the eight presidential candidates, the intention to vote, according to the most recent Cedatos survey, was led by the lawyer Luisa González (26.6%), the only woman on the list and close to former president Rafael Correa (2007-2017). She was followed by Villavicencio, a journalist by profession, with 13.2%.

In the results of the survey they are followed by the indigenous lawyer Yaku Pérez (12.5%) and the economist and former vice president Otto Sonnenholzner (7.5%).

Organized crime has come a long way, but the full weight of the law is going to fall on them.

After the news of Villavicencio’s death, President Guillermo Lasso reacted on his Twitter account, now X, and was blunt: “organized crime has come a long way, but the full weight of the law is going to fall on them.”

“Outraged and shocked by the assassination of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio. My solidarity and condolences with his wife and daughters. For his memory and for his fight, I assure you that this crime will not go unpunished,” the president wrote.

For her part, the candidate Luisa González, close to former president Rafael Correa, pointed out that “this vile act will not go unpunished.” “This mourns us all, my solidarity hug to all his family and co-ideators,” she added.

Former Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner expressed his “deepest condolences and deep solidarity” and wished “that God keep him in his glory.” “Our country has gotten out of hand,” said Sonnenholzner, referring to the insecurity crisis that Ecuador is going through and that has practically monopolized the debate of the electoral campaign.

On his side, the leftist and environmentalist Yaku Pérez was “appalled by the tragic and reprehensible murder of Fernando Villavicencio.” “My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. This fact will not go unpunished, Ecuador does not deserve one more death, it is time to unite and recover peace,” Pérez said.

In the same vein, the businessman and security specialist Jan Topic expressed his regrets “deeply as an Ecuadorian” the deadly attack suffered by Villavicencio. “Today more than ever the need to act with a strong hand against crime is reiterated. May God have him in his glory,” Topic remarked.

Meanwhile, businessman and former assemblyman Daniel Noboa stated that “this is an attack against the country, democracy and the peace of all Ecuadorians.”

Meanwhile, businessman and politician Xavier Hervás assured that Ecuador “has reached a critical point” in the security crisis with the assassination of a presidential candidate like Villavicencio. “This is one more Ecuadorian who has fallen victim to organized crime. We join his family, friends and co-ideators in prayer. Today is a black day for democracy. A day of mourning for Ecuador,” Hervás asserted.

The independent lawyer Bolívar Armijos agreed with this, declaring that “Ecuador is in mourning, the country is bleeding to death with so much violence and insecurity.”


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