Fernando Villavicencio: Those sentenced for murder have an average age of less than 30 years

by times news cr

2024-08-17 23:31:45

Although four of the five convicted for the murder of Fernando Villavicencio pleaded not guilty, the judge handed down sentences ranging from 12 to 34 years in prison, although this is not final because their lawyers will appeal. Learn more about the ages, occupations and legal remedies available to the convicted men.

Four of the Five people sentenced for the murder of Fernando Villavicencio They spoke in the last day of judgmentThey all pleaded not guilty and remained silent to avoid answering the prosecution’s questions.

Despite the arguments of the defense attorneys who highlighted alleged errors in the chain of custody from the cell phone of alias Thiswho shot Villavicencio and was later shot dead, the court sentenced the five defendants according to their degree of participation.

The trial allowed us to learn more details about who is accused of planning and executing the assassination, which will be one year old on August 9, 2024.

In a global view, the convicted have a average age 29 yearsmost of them have private education and an expert determined their psychological traits.

Of Carlos Angulo, alias Invisibleit was said that it has 31 years oldwith secondary education, although during the trial he mentioned that he went to universidad.

He stated that his occupation was albañil and who lived south of Quitobefore going to jail. He is the defendant with the longest criminal record and the only one who was already in prison before the crime was committed. In fact, the prosecution’s theory is that alias Invisible organized the murder from his cell.

His sentence for the murder of Fernando Villavicencio is 34 years and 8 months, as indirect perpetrator.

Laura Castillo, On the other hand, he is 24 years old and only finished the primary. She was the only one who did not testify at the trial.

She said that her occupation was a shoe merchant and she lived in Conocoto – Valle de Los Chillos. Her criminal record is extensive. In fact, two months before the murder of Villavicencio she was arrested for possession of weaponsbut she was released. The police were investigating her for organized crimesince it is identified as micro drug dealer and part of the criminal group Los Lobos.

The psychological expert said that he has a narcissistic and paranoid personality, with a greater tendency to conflict and resentment. Castillo was sentenced to 34 years and 8 months as a co-author.

Erick Ramírez, 31 years old, with secondary education, was mechanic and lived in the People’s Committee, north of Quito.

The psychological report described him as having an antisocial disorder, although there are no traits of aggressive behavior. drugs and has history of theft. He was sentenced to 12 years, as an accomplice.

Victor Flores38 years old, is the only one foreign (Colombian) of those sentenced. He only finished primary school, but said he was a builder and lived south of Quito, in Quitumbe.

He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, as he exhibits traits of unpredictable behavior with aggressive tendency. He is a drug user and has a criminal record for weapons possession and robbery. He was sentenced to 12 years as an accomplice.

Alexandra Chimbo She is the youngest of those sentenced. She has 21 years oldhis educational instruction is primary and he worked as domestic worker. He lived in the Atucucho sector.

He has a masochistic personality. He has a low spirit, without aggressive behavior; but with possible destructive attitudes. A fundamental fact: it was abused by her stepfather and is a single mother.

She was sentenced to 12 years, as an accomplice.

Those sentenced for the murder of Fernando Villavicencio will appeal

The sentence imposed on July 12, 2024 It can be appealed, since it is a first instance decision.

César Palma, Castillo’s lawyer, said that they will appeal once the sentence is notified, a process for which the court has 10 days.

It is known that the lawyers of the other four defendants will also appeal, although they have not made this public.

The appeal is now passed on to the Provincial Courtwhere it is decided whether to ratify the sentence or not. A further instance is the cassation, which is already an extraordinary resource – that is to say – the last one.

What is the poisoned fruit theory, with which the defendants’ lawyers say that the chain of custody was broken in the case of Fernando Villavicencio?

One of the errors most highlighted by the defense attorneys of the five defendants is that of the cell phone chain of custody of the Villavicencio hitman. In fact, the Prosecutor’s Office acknowledged the error, although it said that this does not compromise the legality of the evidence.

The lawyers mentioned that using this cell phone falls into the poisoned fruit theory, which –according to the law– are evidence of a crime obtained illegally, manipulated.

The error they refer to is that the hitman’s cell phone is a iPhone A1778However, the expert entered it as A17178. That is, the number does not match.

The experts indicated that once they noticed the mistake, they ordered the serial number of the phone to be corrected; but that the information exploitation test was not repeated.

The tax inspector Ana Hidalgo He acknowledged the error, but said an immediate correction was requested.

This confusion of numbers could be considered a viceaccording to the defense attorneys, who spoke of a manipulation of the chain of custody of the cell phone from which the Prosecutor’s Office extracted chats between alias Ito and alias Invisible.

By: LA HORA Newspaper

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