Fertigest Opens First Fertility Clinic in Junín: A New Era in Reproductive Health

by time news
This Saturday, the inauguration of Fertigest took place, which is a space for cooperation, collaboration, and exchange among the different disciplines involved in the diagnosis and treatment of reproductive health. This new center will be made up of 8 health professionals and will operate at Rivadavia 194, becoming the first fertility clinic in the region.

The directors of this center are Carolina López, Gynecologist, Obstetrician, and fertility specialist, and Vanesa Plouganou, also a Gynecologist and fertility specialist. The rest of the team includes: Victoria Fernández, Fertility Specialist; Andrea Pastorino, Endocrinologist; Florencia Visser, Obstetrics and Immunohematology; Evangélica Roncaglia, Psychologist; Lucía Machaín, Psychologist; and Macarena Silva, Nutritionist.

Before the traditional ribbon-cutting, the person in charge of welcoming the attendees was Dr. Carolina López, who stated: “Fertigest took a long time, it is a dream, a project that we developed 5 years ago. It arose because there are more and more inquiries from couples needing fertility assistance; this increase in inquiries has grown exponentially, and the reasons are many. One is women’s decision to postpone motherhood for cultural, work, and professional reasons.”

“Today, women choose to become mothers close to 40 years old, and that is where they need the support and help of fertility specialists. This made us think that Fertigest had to be established. There are also women in their 30s who want to know about their fertility; for this, they also need a fertility center, not thinking about becoming mothers immediately but later on, and that is why they know they must cryopreserve their eggs for when they decide to be,” she explained.

López also referred to the increasing number of same-sex couples, “who also have projects to become mothers or fathers, to form a family. Fertigest will be there for them too.” In this sense, she assured: “All of this led us to say that there has to be a fertility center in Junín, and that is what we focused on, forming a great team, preparing ourselves, and that is why we said it is time to open Fertigest, a place that will offer a different, closer consultation, with much listening and care, with a lot of human capacity and a great team of professionals,” she emphasized.

To conclude, Carolina López appreciated the “very important support from Mayor Pablo Petrecca and his government team,” expressing: “I am happy and proud to live in Junín, a city known for its health services, and that is something to value. So from this center, we want to contribute a grain of sand to this prestige that the city has.”

Meanwhile, Vanesa Plouganou took the floor to “highlight the great effort that it took to set up Fertigest; I am undoubtedly very emotional because this is the culmination of a great dream, bringing together a great team of specialists to provide answers on issues of fertility and gestation and thus help people fulfill a great dream.”

“This center covers everything related to fertility but also reproductive medicine, helping to take care of people’s reproductive health from a very early age, detecting pathologies early and being able to modify and treat them so that they do not pose an impediment to fertility,” she concluded.

Finally, Mayor Pablo Petrecca expressed: “It is a pleasure to share this very important and emotional moment with these wonderful women who make up the Fertigest team, a center for reproductive medicine that arises from effort, work, and sacrifice. Clearly, this is another step in consolidating Junín as a reference center in health matters at the national level.”

“Today, Junín is recognized in health matters, and the establishment of this new center is another milestone that positions us and relates to work, dedication, commitment, passion, and service, especially in such an intimate and important matter for people. That is why I am proud that Junín provides another health service to the community,” he added.

To conclude, Petrecca assured that he has “no doubt that this center will experience exponential growth in a very short time, where people will be able to find everything they need in one place to undergo the process that allows them to become parents without having to travel to other cities. I want to congratulate you and thank you for your dedication, effort, and passion for launching this new service, which, as I said, consolidates Junín in health matters.”

Emerging Trends in Reproductive Health and Fertility Services

This past Saturday marked a significant milestone in reproductive health with the inauguration of Fertigest, a new fertility clinic located in Junín. As the first of its kind in the region, Fertigest aims to provide a comprehensive approach to fertility and reproductive health through a collaborative multidisciplinary team of eight healthcare professionals, including gynecologists, endocrinologists, psychologists, and nutritionists. Such cooperatives are expected to become more prevalent as demand for fertility services continues to rise.

One notable trend is the increasing number of women choosing to delay motherhood for professional and personal reasons. Data suggests that women are now opting to start families closer to the age of 40, prompting a rising need for fertility evaluations and support services. Fertigest addresses this shift, emphasizing the necessity for fertility preservation options, such as egg freezing, even at younger ages.

Moreover, the clinic highlights the growing recognition and support for LGBTQ+ families wishing to pursue parenthood. Fertigest’s inclusive approach signifies a broader acceptance in society that potential parents come from diverse backgrounds and familial structures, which is likely to influence the availability and customization of fertility services.

Anticipated advancements in reproductive technologies also play a critical role in shaping the future of fertility services. Clinics like Fertigest are expected to adopt cutting-edge medical techniques and contribute to greater awareness regarding reproductive health, potentially leading to early detection of fertility issues and better treatment outcomes.

As cities like Junín invest in specialized healthcare facilities, we can expect local hubs to emerge, minimizing the necessity for patients to travel to larger cities for comprehensive reproductive health services. This trend towards localized care aims to improve accessibility and ensure that individuals and couples can receive the necessary support within their communities.

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