Fertility is served, nutrition rules for those looking for a child

by time news

There is a mutual association between nutrition and fertility, especially for women. But, despite more and more scientific evidence demonstrating the role of nutrition in human reproduction, the different ‘pro-fertility’ dietary models studied so far have yielded weak or conflicting results. A new study led by the B-Woman Center for Women’s Health in Rome now shines the spotlight on the role of ‘precision nutrition’ against infertility: personalized dietary models. A strategy that could be a much more efficient tool for infertile patients than applying a generic nutritional approach.

In the review, co-signed with authors from the universities of L’Aquila and Chieti-time.news, as well as from the reproductive medicine group GeneraLife, “we report new insights into the nutritional management of infertile patients. Specifically, what is ‘targeted’ through the right diet is chronic low-grade inflammation, an important element associated with various infertility-related diseases “, explains Gemma Fabozzi, first author of the work, clinical embryologist and nutritional biologist, responsible for the Nutrition area of ​​the B-Woman center.

“Healthy lifestyle habits and an adequate diet – he adds – help in conception. However, a specific ‘fertility diet’ has not yet been identified, which will probably never exist, given that each person is a unique individual, with different characteristics. “. In particular – highlights Giulia Verdone, dietician expert in nutrigenetics and oncological nutrition at the B-Woman center – specific attention should be paid to the genetic profile of the patients, which is the element that differentiates us from each other and that explains why a certain dietary regimen may work on one patient but not on another. “

Here are the key points of ‘precision nutrition’ in patients with infertility problems:

Inflammation – “Since various infertility-related diseases are caused by a pro-inflammatory state, with the alteration of important inflammation markers – explains Fabozzi – this aspect should always be considered in the nutritional management of infertile patients, developing nutritional plans with marked anti-inflammatory properties “, in particular, using foods with nutrigenomic properties, that is, able to modulate the expression of specific genes that regulate inflammatory processes”.

Not just weight and height – Furthermore, “for a more complete anamnesis – continues Giulia Verdone – these dietary regimes should be based not only on the evaluation of various anthropometric parameters of the patients (weight, height, characteristics of body composition) but also considering their eating habits, their lifestyles. , the genetic profile and the intestinal health status “of the microbiota,” which can be evaluated through specific tests.

Choices at the table – The review summarizes some of the key strategies to personalize nutritional support in infertile women, in particular for the management of chronic low-grade inflammation, a condition that characterizes several infertility-related disorders such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome. , chronic endometritis and obesity. Among these key strategies is that of deepening the patient’s life choices (for example vegetarianism) to outline a more appropriate integration;

The glycemic load – The glycemic load of each meal must be carefully managed, explain the experts, in order to avoid altered glycemic and insulinemic responses, an aspect that is among the main mechanisms through which diet can influence fertility. This mainly through: functional associations of foods with each other, for example by consuming carbohydrates always in association with fibers, proteins and good fats); specific timing for the consumption of food, for example by always consuming vegetables at the beginning of the meal; specific cooking methods, for example always sautéing the food in a pan with extra virgin olive oil; the use of foods with anti-inflammatory epigenetic properties (spices such as turmeric, ginger, chilli, dried fruit or Evo oil).

What to avoid – There is also another operation to be addressed: to exclude the foods for which the patient shows reduced tolerability (for example dairy products, gluten etc.) and to avoid pro-inflammatory habits (harmful cooking methods such as the grill or barbecue, alcohol consumption) because it’s not just about ‘what to eat’ but also about ‘what to avoid’.

“Personalized nutrition is a tool to preserve health, rather than to cure a disease – concludes Danilo Cimadomo, Head of Research and Development of the GeneraLife group – infertility is a social problem and an emerging priority for public health: we think it is a change in mentality is necessary and that a healthier and more personalized diet must always be suggested at a young age and continued throughout life in order to prevent infertility rather than cure it “.

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