Festival Combinations – Show “Who remains”

by time news


theatrical show by Matilde Vigna and Anna Zanetti
with Matilde Vigna and Daniela Piperno

production Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / National Theatre, La Corte Ospitale

A mother who left for an interstellar journey, and a daughter who will never be a mother struggling with what remains.

What is left when nothing goes as planned? Who is left after the greatest journey? A daughter who will never be a mother, grappling with the rubble of her previous life and with a presence/absence that speaks to us from infinite space and the depths of memories. Matilde Vigna and Anna Zanetti accompany us on this cosmic, scientific, narrative and visual journey, which features Vigna herself (Ubu Prize and Duse Prize) with Daniela Piperno. On stage is an expanse of rubble: dust, lunar regolith, the soil of an unknown planet. Under this blanket of shards is Matilde with her voice (“mom?”), faint at first, which then grows and becomes increasingly louder. It is the voice of a young woman who will never be a mother, she is no longer a daughter because she has lost her last parent, her mother, and is left alone to rebuild her own life from the fragments of her previous life. There is a pain that becomes the protagonist – in the absence of another human being who urgently demands her care and her time – an unbearable, unsustainable pain that takes us back to childhood. Memories arrive suddenly, unexpectedly, and become concrete, because the mother is always present, among the little things of her previous life, and now she appears, as if by magic, to help her daughter emerge from the seemingly endless darkness. Because our dead are always with us, just beyond our gaze. The directorial project by Matilde Vigna and Anna Zanetti develops the images contained in the text through a work on the relationship between two actresses, in the frame of an interstellar landscape made of videos, lights and soundtracks.

“Chi resta” also addresses the urgent and current theme of the loneliness of a generation, expert and effective in communication, but with evident relational problems, of the responsibilities that overwhelm it, of the grotesque post-mortem bureaucracy and of a pain that devours everything and that brings us back to childhood. The mother, however, is still there and takes us on a fantastic journey beyond the Earth’s gravity to black holes: a cosmic, scientific, narrative and visual journey.

reservation recommended: [email protected] / 3454813756

Matilde Vigna, graduated from the Scuola del Teatro Stabile in Turin, is a theatre and cinema actress, winner of the Honorable Mention at the Eleonora Duse Prize 2020/2021 (emerging actress) and of two Ubu Prizes 2016 and 2019 (best actress/performer under 35).

Anna Zanetti graduated in Dance Theatre at the Paolo Grassi Theatre School in Milan. Here she met the actress and director Maria Consagra: from this meeting she deepened her interest in movement pedagogy. She deals with theatre training and movement education.

Daniela Piperno, one of the founders of the Teatro dell’Elfo in Milan, together with Lucia Vasini and Pia Engleberth created the comedy trio “Sorelle Sister”. She has worked with prestigious directors in theater and cinema. In particular, she participated in the film “Ferrari”, released in 2023, in the role of Adalgisa, mother of Enzo Ferrari.

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