Fever and chills, loss of sleep; American actor says monkeypox should not be seen as a joke

by time news

American actor Matt Ford has shared how dangerous monkeypox is through social media.


Trivandrum, First Published Jul 3, 2022, 12:16 PM IST

Monkeypox is also spreading rapidly in the country after Kovid 19. American actor Matt Ford has shared how dangerous monkeypox is through social media. In a video shared by Matt on Twitter, Matt says that the disease has left him very tired and he cannot sleep at night.

He also opened up about the US government’s slow response to the virus, which has infected more than 142 people in the country. The government needs to speed up vaccines and testing. “The slow response is unacceptable,” Matt said.

Matt added that he contracted the virus through skin-to-skin contact and started showing symptoms a week after contracting the disease in Los Angeles. The initial symptoms were fever, chills and fatigue.

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By the time the fever subsided, itchy and painful blisters began to appear on the body. Matt says that it was confirmed that it was monkeypox during the subsequent tests. As the flu-like symptoms subsided, more itchy spots appeared on different parts of the body.

Matt says monkeypox is no joke and should not be taken lightly. Matt tweeted that he should be ready to get vaccinated if possible and not let down his guard. He said he could not sleep at night without taking painkillers.

What is monkeypox infection? (monkeypox)

Monkey fever or monkey pox is a disease similar to small pox. According to the World Health Organization, the first cases of monkeypox infection in humans were reported in 1970. The virus has since been confirmed in 11 African countries. The disease spread to humans from wild animals in Africa. The virus is spread through the air when an infected person coughs or blows their nose.

How to prevent catching monkeypox?

Hand hygiene is the first thing to pay attention to. Make sure your children wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer. Cook meat thoroughly. Avoid contact with a person who has a rash or fever.

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Last Updated Jul 3, 2022, 12:17 PM IST

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