Fiadel absent from the commission, the secretary: «They didn’t give me permission»

by time news

“The union? It wasn’t present at the Environment commission because they prevented us from doing so.” This is what Fiadel territorial secretary Stefano Delrio said the day after the meeting at the Alghero Ambiente headquarters to discuss the critical issues of the urban hygiene service, extended since last April. Delrio says that, being an employee of the company himself, he had to ask for permission to participate in the council commission, “a permission denied twice by the company,” he writes in a note.

It was Fiadel itself, which represents 65% of the permanent staff, that reported the serious critical issues in the company and the alleged risks for employees, “initially opening a cooling-off procedure – explains Delrio – and then closing it, trusting the same empty and contentless promises that were made this time before the Environment Commission. We wonder how long we have to go on before these serious shortcomings are resolved, which negatively impact the urban hygiene service and the cleanliness and decorum of the city. A year has passed since the first Fiadel complaint, the situation has worsened”, warns the union representative who will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis, reserving “any appropriate action at the most appropriate locations”, concludes the press release.

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