‘Fighting hunger and poverty is the number one mission of politics’, says Pacheco

by time news

2023-10-21 02:49:55

Statement by the president of the Senate was made in a debate session that included the participation of ministers Wellington Dias and Paulo Teixeira

Roque de Sá/Agência Senado – 03/08/22 President of the Senate spoke about the fight against hunger this Friday, 20

The President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), brought together parliamentarians this Friday, 20th, to debate actions to combat hunger in Brazil. The country, which fell off the United Nations hunger map in 2014, fell back in 2020 during the pandemic. According to the chief of Congress, “fighting hunger and poverty is the number one mission of politics”. The parliamentarian added: “Hunger has a face and a name. In 2022, the Second National Survey on Food Insecurity in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil pointed out that more than 33 million people had no guarantee of what to eat. Almost 60%, in other words: the majority of the Brazilian population lives with food insecurity to some degree, from mild to severe. This is absolutely unacceptable.”

Among the authorities who participated in the debate in the Plenary are the ministers Wellington Dias (Development and Social Assistance) and Paulo Teixeira (Agrarian Development and Family Farming). For Dias, it is still possible to remove Brazil from the hunger map, as the country was already very close to eradicating it. “Brazil made this choice [de erradicar] there in the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and continued until around 2018, Brazil reached a level very close to the eradication of hunger”, he summarized. Paulo Teixeira argued that the challenge is to increase food production to combat inflation, considering that beans, rice and cassava, typical inputs on the Brazilian people’s table, have had their production reduced. “Our challenge is to increase production to combat food inflation, expand diversity to take account of people’s food culture and make food production cheaper and improve access to it”, he began. “Plenty of food on the people’s table so that everyone can eat. This is a challenge that we have to launch”, he concluded.

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