Filibuster → Forced termination → Repeated unilateral processing… Opposition party also announces processing of visiting method

by times news cr

2024-07-29 01:18:37

At the plenary session held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 28th, the partial amendment bill (alternative) to the Broadcasting Act, which includes increasing the number of KBS directors to 21, was passed with 189 votes in favor out of 189 members present. The seats are empty as the People Power Party members did not participate in the vote. 2024.7.28 News 1

The opposition parties, including the Democratic Party of Korea, forcibly ended the ruling party’s unlimited debate (filibuster) at the plenary session of the National Assembly held late at night on the 28th and then processed the revision to the Broadcasting Act on their own. The Democratic Party immediately put on the agenda the revision to the Broadcast Culture Promotion Act (Broadcast Culture Promotion Act) for increasing the number of MBC board members, and plans to once again go through the People Power Party’s filibuster-ending and unilateral voting procedures on the morning of the 29th. They plan to put the revision to the Educational Broadcasting System (EBS) Act on the agenda immediately after that and put it to a vote by the morning of the 30th at the latest. Accordingly, it seems that the processing of the “4 Broadcasting Laws” will be completed after 5 nights and 6 days of repeated plenary session submissions of bills → filibusters → forced termination of filibusters → unilateral processing of bills, starting with the deliberation of the revision to the Broadcasting and Communications Commission Act on the 25th.

The Democratic Party announced that it would table the People’s Livelihood Recovery Support Act and the Yellow Envelope Act (amendment to the Labor Union Act) at the plenary session on August 1, and it seems that the standoff between the ruling and opposition parties due to the filibuster will continue until the end of the extraordinary session of the National Assembly in July.

Filibuster → Forced termination → Repeated single processing

The opposition parties, including the Democratic Party, passed the Broadcasting Act amendment with 189 votes in favor out of 189 members present, with the ruling party absent, at around 1:00 AM on that day. The key is to increase the number of KBS board members from 11 to 21 and to expand the authority to recommend directors from the current Korea Communications Commission to external parties such as media-related academic societies, the Korea Association of Broadcast Journalists, PDs, and Broadcasting Technicians, and the Viewers’ Committee. The Democratic Party plans to vote on the Bangmunjin Act, which was submitted to the plenary session immediately after the vote on the Broadcasting Act amendment, after forcibly ending the ruling party’s filibuster at around 9:00 AM on the 29th.

People Power Party lawmaker Kang Seung-kyu, who was the first to filibuster immediately after the revision bill on the broadcasting station law was tabled, criticized, “The Democratic Party’s intention is to protect the MBC chairman whose term is ending so that MBC can continue to be a broadcasting station biased toward the Democratic Party,” and “Liberal democracy will die and ‘dog-daughter’ democracy (former representative Lee’s strong supporters) will run rampant.” On the other hand, Democratic Party lawmaker Cho Kye-won argued in a debate in favor, “The Yoon Seok-yeol administration is trying to turn public broadcasting into a political tool and muzzle it,” and “In the current structure where people who are friendly to the president and the ruling party occupy the majority of the board of directors of the broadcasting station, an extreme figure will be appointed as the president of the public broadcasting station and serve as a puppet of the regime.”

The ruling and opposition parties clashed over the People Power Party’s Vice Speaker Joo Ho-young’s refusal to preside. The previous day, Vice Speaker Joo said, “The hateful show taking place in the National Assembly building must stop immediately. The leaders of the ruling and opposition parties must stop the march of these fools who are forcing the National Assembly members into it,” and requested Speaker Woo Won-sik to stop processing the bill on his own. In response, Speaker Woo rebutted, “The fact that ‘Assemblyman Joo Ho-young’ is opposing the revision of the four broadcasting laws cannot be the reason for ‘Vice Speaker Joo Ho-young’ to refuse to perform his duties,” and “Withdraw your intention to refuse to preside immediately.” Speaker Woo continued the proceedings, taking turns for three hours each with Vice Speaker Lee Hak-young of the Democratic Party.

If the People Power Party proceeds with a filibuster on all four broadcasting laws, it is expected to be recorded as the second longest in history. If the filibuster, which began around 5:30 PM on the 25th, continues until 8 AM on the 30th, it will exceed 110 hours. The longest record was the filibuster in 2016 against the Anti-Terrorism Act, which lasted 192 hours and 27 minutes. The next longest was the filibuster in 2020, which lasted 89 hours and 5 minutes to block the Public Prosecutor’s Office Act, the National Intelligence Service Act, and the Inter-Korean Exchange and Cooperation Act.

● Clash between the People’s Livelihood Recovery Support Fund Act and the Yellow Envelope Act

The Democratic Party is attempting to table the People’s Livelihood Recovery Support Act and the Yellow Envelope Act (Labor Union Act amendment) currently pending in the Legislation and Judiciary Committee at the plenary session on August 1. Both bills are Democratic Party party bills and the party is taking the position that they will be processed within the July extraordinary session. A Democratic Party floor member stated, “These are urgent issues that cannot be delayed any longer, so we cannot pass them on to the next National Assembly.”

The People Power Party plans to delay the process with a filibuster and engage in a public opinion war. A floor member said, “We will also do everything permitted by law to explain the unfairness of the bill and the reasons for our opposition.” Floor leader Bae Jun-young asked Speaker Woo, “Please do not bring up the Cash Scatter Act and the Illegal Strike Promotion Act.”

Reporter Yoon Myeong-jin [email protected]
Reporter Kwon Gu-yong [email protected]

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2024-07-29 01:18:37

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