Film “Past Lives”: The “Before Sunrise” of our time

by time news

2023-08-12 12:38:31

Film Film „Past Lives“

Everything could be very different

Status: 12:38 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

Hae Sung (Theo Yoo) and Nora (Greta Lee)

Quelle: Jon Pack/Twenty Years Rights/A24 Films

Even as children, they were attracted to each other. They meet again as adults, in New York. The attraction is still the same as before. But will it be more? Why you shouldn’t miss the movie “Past Lives”.

The ballad “There were two king’s children” tells a sad fairy tale: “There were two king’s children / they loved each other so much / they couldn’t come together / the water was much too deep.” It is a story with universal appeal. Regardless of age, everyone can identify with it. As a boy or girl, because the protagonists are young themselves. And as an adult, because all the pain of separation in one’s own life is lifted in it.

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If you research the story a little, you’ll find that it wasn’t originally all that German. One day it washed up on the shores of our language and clung to it. It goes back to a saga of ancient Greece that was originally set in the Dardanelles between the Aegean and the Sea of ​​Marmara. The first royal children were called Hero and Leander; the poet Ovid has edited their tragic love in the form of a fictional correspondence.

The director Celine Song, 34, who emigrated from Korea to Canada with her artist parents at the age of twelve, varies the motif in her Debütfilm „Past Lives“. Growing up in Seoul, Na-young and Hae Sung were inseparable. Beautiful scenes capture the budding love of the twelve year olds. As they climb a stone monument in the park, their parents watch them knowingly, like the viewers on the other side of the screen. On the way home from school, Na-young cries because, for once, Hae Sung wrote the better math test. He doesn’t blame her; his character is more balanced and mature. Nevertheless, the delicate couple is already here at the crossroads – his path leads to the left, hers to the right, up a steep staircase.

At a crossroads: Hae Sung and Na-young in Seoul

Quelle: Jin Young Kim/Twenty Years Rights/A24 Films

That’s how it is in reality. Na-young moves to Toronto with her parents. It’s the 80’s, the internet is a thing for nerds and the military. Contact with Hae Sung suddenly breaks off, leaving the shadow of memories behind.

One day, twelve years later – Na-young lives in New York as an aspiring playwright who now calls herself Nora – she discovers on Facebook that Hae Sung is looking for her. An exchange begins, in the form of low-definition, constantly freezing video calls across the deep waters between the US and Korea. The attraction is the same as before. But soon the flirting comes to an end. Na-young’s sense of reality kicked in. Meeting soon seems impossible. Hae Sung is about to go to China to study.

Twelve years pass again. Na-young has since married someone else. The curiosity about a life in which everything could have been different has never dried up. Finally, the long-awaited meeting takes place. Nothing more should be revealed here. What remains to be said is how beautiful and wise this film is. He never overdoes it, his pictures float in a rhythm as light as time that flies. Supported by great actors, especially Greta Lee as Na-young, the director, who also wrote the screenplay, manages a subtle balance of realism and poetry. “Past Lives” is the “Before Sunrise” of our time.

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