by time news

2023-04-17 16:39:14

I thought the result was worse than the game, even with all the problems we presented, because victory would not be an unfair result.

Mano put a defensive winger, since we don’t have another one, who is actually a defender, and with that he justified the three attackers, with PH on the right and Alemão centered. In the middle, Johnny and Baralhas, plus Alan Patrick.

The positioning changed a little in relation to the game against CSA. PH further back, closing the corridor, and Alemão as a combative center forward in the middle of the field. Attempts at spiked plays for PH’s speed reduced in relation to the game against CSA, and the team tried to work the ball more.

The problem is that, when the ball comes out, neither Johnny nor Baralhas are good builders, especially receiving that first ball as defensive midfielders, hence the difficulty of the ball arriving in good condition for Wanderson, Alemão and PH, except when coming from Alan Patrick, the most wanted on the team.

Mano is building the team like last year, more defensive and posted, with quicker transitions to attack; I just can’t understand why to do it now, and not since the beginning of the year, repeating last year. Of course, he still hasn’t adjusted the positioning of Johnny and Baralhas, and I think he won’t be able to do that, since none of them have speed as a characteristic.

Moledo played, and we were sovereign in the air, I believe, largely because of him. Renê is doing very well and the right side hasn’t compromised either.

Fortaleza is organized, but does not have the speed of previous years, it was a game that we could have won without any major scares.

John made good saves, but missed the goal. Ball slammed by the goalkeeper cannot stay in the area, mainly because it catches the defender leaving, but there is also a failure in the middle, which left the area of ​​​​the penalty mark without protection.

However, Inter could and should have increased the score earlier. Since Tite, Inter has finished very little. With Coudet and Ramirez, the will to submit increased, but it was Medina’s complaint, and it was a problem again this year.

Inter builds moves, even against more defensive teams, but finishes little, seems to want to shoot only inside the small area. Our kickers are De Pena, Alan Patrick and Maurício. Wanderson is guessing little, and so is PH. The fast transition team needs to finish more.

In goal, there are four players in the Fortaleza area, and Mano needs to understand that he will score more goals with more people in the area. We hardly have a player on the “second stick”, regardless of which side the play is on, and this greatly reduces the options for the dribbler attackers, who are left with only one pass option.

Anyway, the team has improved on itself, and that means little. De Pena’s tickets, and the opening of Jean Dias and Campanharo, plus Rômulo didn’t add much, and it wasn’t possible to expect much. Lucca is the one who has been taking advantage of the chances, even playing more on the flanks.

There is a lot of room for improvement, but Mano needs to define what he wants, and above all, do what he knows, and not venture into schemes that he was never able to implement.


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