Finally – THE NEWS

by time news

2024-01-10 16:34:13

The polls show society is divided over same-sex marriage. And he is overwhelmingly against procreation. As for New Democracy voters, the majority do not even want to hear about the issue. There are also reactions within the government and in the Parliamentary Group. Consequently, whichever way you look at it, Mitsotakis’ decision to take the issue on his back is, undeniably, brave. Possibly he had no other choice. If he did not cut the Gordian bond of endless debate, the social ferment would breed toxicity, while he himself would tarnish his centrist, liberal profile. Yes, in politics nothing is done without an agenda and purpose, however, in this case, Mitsotakis is a prime minister who walked the path of reform, ignoring reactions and personal political costs. He proceeded, in this particular issue, with the core of Democracy as a compass, which is the protection of minorities. And he showed that the self-evident require immediate solutions, stripped of ideological cover. We have to give him credit for that. The rest, about what this or that minister will do, is of no real importance. In the future we will remember them as the ND parliamentary composition that voted against civil marriage and the decriminalization of adultery. Where will this all lead? Nowhere. He will rise on his perch, arguments will be heard, some documented and some graphic, the bill will be passed by a large parliamentary majority and the case will be forgotten in a few days. At most, we will see a report on the first weddings at the town hall. Let alone any curious passers-by cross themselves at the sight of the boys in their good suits. Until there. In the summer, before the European elections, nobody will bother. The matter will have been forgotten and the Velopoulos will not be able to press on it. On the other hand, however, Mitsotakis will be able to “sell” it to the centrist audience. That’s it, that’s over, let’s move on.

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