Finance Committee: the new clothes of the Insoumis Eric Coquerel

by time news

Posted Dec 26 2022 at 01:01 PMUpdated Dec 26. 2022 at 16:43

Before him, his predecessors wore it almost every day, as a sign of seriousness. When Eric Coquerel receives in his office as Chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, he still does not wear a tie. “But there are some hanging behind it,” he smiles, pointing to the entrance to the room. This fall, we even saw him wear one two or three times during the debates around the 2023 budget. The symbol of a presidency that was ultimately less rowdy than expected.

When the Insoumis managed in June to be elected to the prestigious position of Chairman of the Finance Committee, some on the right or even in the majority saw him as the fox who breaks into the henhouse. “He is too sectarian, the debates will be impossible. “We will see all the tax secrets leaked in Mediapart. “But six months later, the hushed atmosphere of this club of budget mysteries specialists has not been upset in the end.

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