Financial assistance for childcare: it will be extended until college entry for single-parent families

by time news

The financial assistance for childcare, currently paid by the CAF (Family allowance funds) until entry to CP, will be extended until entry to college for single-parent families, announced this Tuesday the Minister of Solidarity. This measure will be included in the budget of the “Secu” presented next week, he said.

The “supplement to free choice of childcare” (CMG), allocated to families subject to means and currently limited to the child’s six-year-old, will be extended “to single-parent families for children aged 6 to 11”, has indicated Jean-Christophe Combe during a meeting with the Association of Social Information Journalists (AJIS). “It’s an extremely strong social measure,” he added, pointing out that “30% of single-parent families live in poverty.”

“After 6 years, a child does not look after himself”

This device had been announced by the President of the Republic during the campaign for his re-election, at the beginning of the year: in his program, the candidate Emmanuel Macron noted that the current aid “stops at 6 years”, whereas “after 6 years, a child does not look after himself and families, especially single-parent families, find themselves in a sometimes very complicated situation, in particular to reconcile professional and personal life”.

single-parent families

Two other measures in favor of families, and to be included in the social security financing bill (PLFSS), were announced at the beginning of September. The first concerns the revaluation of 50% of the minimum alimony paid to single-parent families, which will increase from 116 to 174 euros per month. And the second concerns the remaining charge for families who have their young child looked after. Currently, it is more expensive to use a childminder than a crèche, but the aid will be revised so that the remaining charge is the same, regardless of the mode of care, said Tuesday Mr. Combe.

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