Financial solutions for those who save and at the same time want a positive change in society

by time news

2023-10-23 06:00:10

Sustainability, transparency, environmental protection or the pursuit of social well-being. These are some of the goals of Triodos Bank customers, who seek to use their money consciously to improve society.

People’s needs change and with them their concerns. This has started a new way in which they relate to companies. Today, consumers demand that brands align with their interests and sustainability goals.

So much so that, according to a study by Collabora Brands, 92% of people surveyed believe that companies should be more committed to environmental issues, and 90% believe that they should also be committed to environmental issues. social and get involved in the search for solutions. The same study underlines that 69% of those who participated say they choose a brand based on its environmental and social behavior.

But what happens when it comes to choosing a bank? What can savers and investors do so that their money promotes the fight against climate change or the reduction of social inequalities?

Values ​​from a different bank

Human activity generates impact and money is part of that activity. Whether its impact is positive is in the hands of the people who use the financial services. And for 40 years, Triodos Bank has been developing a value-based banking model, whose aim is to connect with those who aspire to make their money contribute to the transformation of the economy and society towards a model more sustainable, inclusive and fair.

By supporting sustainable companies and projects, the organization makes this positive impact possible. To achieve this, it uses the “real” money of its clients and manages it according to the values ​​that characterize the its financial model: sustainability, transparency, excellence and innovation.

For this reason, Triodos Bank only finances companies that seek social, cultural and environmental improvement. At the same time, it designs innovative products for the financing of projects in the analysis of which the impact variable is introduced, in addition to those of profitability and risk foreseen by other entities. Everything always within a framework of transparency in which information is provided the financed projects.

The entity is not only a specialist in the sectors it supports, but has also developed competitive financial products and services with a purpose for change, which facilitates dialogue with clients.

Money with positive impact

If people are able to contribute to changing and improving society, banking institutions can too change the financial system from within and transform its sphere of influence. In addition, they have the possibility to create awareness about the ability of their customers to bring about this change with the good use of their money.

An ethical management of savings can make a difference in aspects such as reducing the footprint of human activity on the planet, promoting responsibility for the need to protect nature or strengthening the role of culture and ‘education as vehicles for inclusion and equal opportunities.

In addition to promoting the care of the planet and improving the quality of life of the people who inhabit it, ethical banking also has the challenge of raising awareness of the need to make responsible use of money, that sustainability criteria form part of the economic decisions of more and more people and companies, as well as strengthening the creation of communities united by the common interest of generating a positive impact around them. This is why it is necessary to support sustainable companies, promote clean energy, contribute to culture and education, and try to improve the lives of people and less favored groups.

In this context, Triodos Bank not only seeks financial profitability, but also that each of its products promotes a positive impact on society and the environment. In 2022, the entity financed, for example, an organic farming surface of 32,600 hectares in Europe and has made it possible for each customer of the bank to receive an education. Consciously used money is synonymous with social transformation.

Invest in social and environmental well-being

The value-based banking model developed by Triodos Bank promotes investment, the start-up and development of projects with a positive impact, through the establishment of funding criteria focused on identifying sustainable sectors and initiatives where innovation can be encouraged and select projects that bring added value to well-being, resources, energy, food and society.

With a total of 10,600 million euros earmarked to promote projects in Europe and more than 6,300 companies financed in more than 80 countries, Triodos Bank monitors each investment and the use made of the loans granted to thus guarantee clients that their money has truly served to promote an activity or project aligned with the ethical investment policy, a conscious policy that contributes significantly to the social, environmental and cultural change shared by the bank and its customers.

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