Find out the programming of the 5th National Congress of CSP-Conlutas

by time news

2023-08-30 13:46:33


We are less than a month away from the 5th National Congress of CSP-Conlutas. The schedule of activities is approved. Know it!

The world of work and precariousness, the international and national situation, the need to organize an action plan to face the policies of the Lula government, such as the expenditure ceiling of the Fiscal Framework, the Temporary Framework that will directly affect the native peoples and the environment, in addition to labor, pension and secondary education reforms that, according to the government, will not be revoked.

The CSP-Conlutas congresses are a privileged moment for the meeting of fighters from all over the country: metallurgists, chemists, education and health professionals, miners, bank workers, civil construction workers, public employees of the three spheres [federal, estadual y municipal]those who fight against oppression, for housing, youth and native peoples.

The debates in groups, by themes, by unions, allow the collective elaboration and the strengthening of democracy in the Central.

A significant international delegation will arrive in Guapira to follow the Brazilian experience and exchange experiences based on the presentation of their respective struggles: France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, African countries, Latin American countries and also from North and South America.

We are in the last moments of preparing the caravans to go to the 5th National Congress of the CSP-Conlutas.


Thursday (09/07/2023)

6:00: Opening for registration;

9:30 – 11:00: Official opening, with a table made up of Trade Union Centers, Parties and the International Solidaires Network;

11:00 – 12:00: Reading and approval of the Internal Regulations;

12:00 – 13:00: Greetings from the international delegations;

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.: Lunch;

14:30 – 16:00: Presentation of Global Contributions, with time divided equally by the number of resolutions presented;

16:00 – 17:30: Panel on Ukraine and Solidarity to the Resistance;

17:30 – 19:00: Sector Meetings.

Friday (09/08/2023)

9:30 – 12:30: Debate on the National and International Situation and Plans of Fights;

(Table made up of 5 guests appointed by members of the SEN, with interventions of 20 minutes each. With two interventions indicated by the Bloco Classista, Operário e Popular, one intervention by Unidos para Lutar, one intervention by Corrente Combate and one intervention by 10 minutes indicated by the MRT.

After the interventions of the guests, a member of the SEN will present the proposed fight plans in 7 minutes.

Plenary: 40 interventions of 4 minutes (if the number of registered exceeds this number, a draw will be held) respecting gender proportionality.

Closing: 10 minutes each for representatives of the Bloco Classista Operário e Popular, Unidos and Combate), 5 minutes for the MRT representative) and 3 minutes for the presentation of the plan of struggles.

12:30 – 14:00: Lunch;

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Continuation of the debate on the National and International Situation, and Plans of Fights;

16:00 – 18:00: Working groups on the topics listed below: thus, two groups will be formed for each topic, so that there is an equitable distribution among the delegates.

Group 1 – National and International Situation and Plan of Fights;

Group 2 – Self defense;

Group 3 – Combat oppressions;

Group 4 – Defense of the Territory and the Environment;

Group 5 – Balance.

Obs.: Each group discusses its topic as a priority and then, if there is time, discusses the other topics.

18:00: Closing of the accreditation process [inscripción].

Saturday (09/09/2023)

9:30–11:00: Reform of the Statute;

11:00 – 12:30: Formation of ten Working Groups on “Changes in the world of work and challenges of the reorganization and strengthening of the Central”;

12:30 – 14:00: Lunch;

2:00 p.m. – Opening of the period for the registration of lists for the SEN election;

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Vote on the Balance Sheet and plans to strengthen the Central; Vote on the resolution of the International and National Conjuncture, and Plan of Struggles, and other resolutions presented during the congress;

4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: Political and/or cultural activities self-organized by the sectors (these must be previously informed to the organizing commission of the Congress until August 31).

Activities already confirmed:

Activity 1 – Table on precarious work: Leaders: Irene Maestro/Herbert Claros.

Activity 2 – National Plenary of the MML – Responsible: Marcela Azevedo.

18:00: Closing of the term for the registration of Lists for the SEN election and the term for the delivery of motions;

19:30: Fraternization of the Congress.

Domingo (10/09/2023)

9:30 – 11:30: Election of the new SEN;

11:30 – 13:00: Presentation and voting on the Sectoral Reports and the motions;

13:00 – Closing of the 5th National Congress of the CSP-Conlutas.

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